Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I stumbled around for the longest time in the darkness of grief. I told people it was like trying to defuse a bomb blindfolded. One wrong move and I would just disappear…evaporate into a billion little pieces. I used to feel like I was, quite literally, one crisis away from losing it altogether. If one more bad thing happened, if I had to deal with one more medical emergency, if I had to white-knuckle my way through one more disaster…I just knew I didn’t have it in me. The thing is…I look back over the last nearly four years since Mr. Virgo’s death and I realize I survived every single thing that was thrown at me…exactly 100% of the time. There are still moments when I feel myself hanging on…but now it’s by the heavy chains of a sea freighter’s anchor…not by a thin, ever weakening thread.

Time has done a great deal to show me I am much stronger than I thought. God has never, ever let me down and I trust He will always either provide a safe place to land or teach me to fly. In the light of day, every single star in the half of the universe we face is there. We just can’t see them because of the sun. When things are going well and you are feeling strong and healthy, all the threads leading to your support system are there…but you don’t notice them because there is so much light in your life. It’s when things get dark…when there isn’t even a moon…that’s when you need to look for the stars. You need to look for those tiny beacons of light…those loved ones, those helpers, those angels, and for the Strength of the One who is greater than yourself. As Dr. Martin Luther King said…”Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

As I was leaving church Sunday morning, I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped. One of the ladies I’m getting to know came up and welcomed me back after my long trip to Colorado. We exchanged greetings then she told me how much she enjoys reading Marshmallow Ranch every day…that it is so uplifting. She went on to say that even though she has not lost a husband, there are all kinds of grief and my posts have helped her. I have been moving the early posts of my blog from Facebook to the new website this week. That means I dive back down into the darkest, most paralyzing time of my life. And it wears on me. I have dreams again of CPR and ambulances and caskets. I was feeling really tired Sunday morning after another night of fitful sleep. But when my church friend put her arm around my shoulder and told me how much my writing helps her, and others, it lifted me up. It made me feel centered and stronger and more forward focused. And I told her so and thanked her for telling me.

We should lift each other up at every opportunity. When I write my posts, I do not know what is going on in your lives. I don’t know what you need to hear. But I always pray over my keyboard and ask God to bring me the words He wants me to say and the people who need to hear it. Then I seek ways I can be of service to Him. I knock on the door of his heart and ask him to shower me with these blessings that I beseech of Him. And finally, I ask him to walk with His hand over all of YOU, to guard YOU, to bring peace, healing, and abundance into your lives. I was so grateful to be lifted up on Sunday. It set the tone for the week ahead.

When it is dark…may you see the stars. ❤️

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up….”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

16 thoughts on “SEE THE STARS

  1. Thanks… I really need to hear this. We know that God would never forsake us, but as sinful beings, we let Satan wiggle into that crack in our life and plant doubt, worry.. I just need to pray even harder. Love your posts. God has truly blessed you to give to others with your writing. We give Him all the glory.

  2. I’m not sure how or why your page came up in my feed – well actually I do- it’s a Jesus thing. But every morning I wake up looking forward to reading. Like your friend, I’m not a widow, but I have experienced great loss. I’ve gone fishing in my own ocean of loss trying to capture the sea glass treasure bits to share with others who are experiencing a similar type of loss. Your posts help me keep my focus where it belongs, and your unique way of seeing the world and introspective style are familiar and comforting. Thank you for sharing your heart, and I believe, the heart of Jesus.

    1. Awwww, Sherylyn…thank you for your kind words. I’m so happy you found Marshmallow Ranch. Please feel free to share my page to anyone you feel it might help. ❤️

  3. Your words, your posts always hit home one way or another. As your friend said, there are many forms of loss and you have the gift of helping each of us deal with our loss and our grief. It really is a special gift that you share. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for being ‘out there’ Ginny. Today is Day 95 without my man…Been going back and reading some of your past posts with my morning coffee ☕️

    1. Oh…so fresh, Linda. I’m slowly migrating my post from FB to the website. It will make it easier for you to look back to my early writings when things were fresh for me, too. You give me motivation to get after it! ❤️

  5. Ginny,once again I am gaining strength from your words.As we yet suffer another loss today of a very loved family member.I will keep looking up and looking for the stars.Thank you so much for the prayersAs I read your words I all ways ask God to wrap his love and strength around you .Thank you dear lady for your guidance .

    1. Louise, I’m so sorry to hear you have been touched by loss again. My heart is with you, dear one. Thank you for being here. I will keep you in my prayers for comfort and strength in the coming days.

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