13,318 Words!!!

IPad in camper
“Making progress, writing in TOW-Wanda.”

I have a perfectly good laptop I can use for writing. As a matter of fact, all of the writing I have ever done for this book has been on the laptop as Word documents. Over the years, I have become accustomed to using my iPad for all of my posts for my blog. I’ve also used my phone, much to my son-in-law’s surprise. He can’t imagine typing out an e-mail on an iPhone, let along an entire essay! I say, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

This is my third generation iPad. I don’t know if I’ll ever buy another one. I suppose, if this one becomes obsolete, I’ll have to, but this one works just fine. When I bought it, I found a wonderful case that has a built in keyboard, It folds up exactly like a laptop so it’s perfect for me. It’s light and portable. All my photo editing apps are on it. It’s really all I use anymore.

After taking Sunday off for Church and yesterday off to catch up with errands, I was looking forward to getting out there in TOW-Wanda and writing. I have Pandora radio on my iPad and I love to listen to Nature Sounds Radio. It runs through different scenarios, most often rain and thunderstorms, ocean sounds, and occasionally a campfire or crickets. In the evenings, if I write in the living room while Mr. FixIt watches TV, I wear my Bose sound cancelling headphones with the nature sounds and I can write uninterrupted. The same in the camper, unless it’s actually raining. Then I’ll just listen to the rain on the roof.

It was in the mid-‘50s yesterday here at the Ponderosa. What a treat that was! This really hasn’t been a bad winter at all. An added benefit of listening to these summery nature sounds is how easy it is to fool my brain into thinking it’s not wintertime! Usually January literally c-r-a-w-l by in the slowest way, but this year that was not the case. I can’t believe tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, my sweetie brought me a dozen creamy white roses Monday evening. They are in my Mikasa vase on the living room table where I can see them as I write. What a sweet man! I bought him a watch for his birthday and told him it had to count for Valentine’s Day too since both occur in February.

It feels good to be moving along on my book again. I’m doing something different this time…besides writing it on my iPad where I’m more comfortable. This time I’m taking the advice of some seasoned writers and just writing the whole story straight through without worrying about editing along the way. I am so accustomed to writing these essays every day and keeping a close eye on the editing. It is a bit of a challenge to just…write. It goes a lot faster, though. I’ll have to say that. 

I like the app I write with. It’s called Pages and keeps track of your word count. This is something that’s useful in knowing when a chapter is long enough. It’s also helpful to know your total word count for publishing reasons. The average novel is 60-80,000 words. If that’s the case, I’m really making good progress. The person I am working with on this says to just get it written, then we’ll worry about who’s going to publish it.

And here it is…hump day already. Hope you all have a really great day. I’ll be writing some more! ❤️

“The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.”

Proverbs 18:4 ESV

4 thoughts on “13,318 Words!!!

  1. Good to know I’m not alone. I was planning to hook up my trailer and make it my studio but we’ve has Snowpocolapse here in Spokane and all of WA State. It’s too cold right now. I wasn’t able to make it to the SOTF Meet and Greet last night that I’ve been looking forward to for 2 months since I joined SOTF.
    This is a silly question, but do you have a special spot for your trailer? Right now mine is just in the driveway. I saw that some women built a little area where they can park their trailers. Lots of questions because I didn’t get to grill everyone last night. Thank you for indulging me.
    Keep writing! I can’t wait to read your book.

    1. We have five acres to choose from here on the Ponderosa. In the interest of being close to the house for potty breaks, and to keep from hiking through a muddy field, I have TOW-Wanda parked at the end of the driveway that curves around to the side of the house. I’m close enough to the house to plug in with a heavy duty extension cord to run the furnace. I’m toasty warm in here, propped up on the day bed in the slide out, covered with a fuzzy soft blanket, sipping fresh coffee and nibbling on cookies as I continue to write! This is only the second winter I’ve had free access to my camper and I have to tell you, I love this! I go through serious camper withdrawal when she’s tucked away someplace.

      I’m really sorry you missed the gathering last night! I hope there will be another one soon. Having girls to camp with and learn from is such a blessing! ❤️

  2. Glad to hear that, Ginny
    You can be an inspiration to all of us that are newbies in this writing journey.
    Thank you for sharing ❤️

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