15,578 E-Mails???

Oy! Ok, here’s what happens when you only use hand held devices to access the Internet, write every blog post, use myriad apps, and check your e-mails. Those e-mails don’t go away on their own. And I have a VERY bad habit of just reading them and closing them without deleting them. I decided to get out my new(er) computer yesterday and realized I haven’t updated Windows since last April. I never use this computer, although I should because it is the new one. And you wanna know why I don’t use it? Because, there’s a glitch in Word 2013 and that’s the program I use for writing my book and instead of being patient and trying to fix the problem, I get frustrated, shut it down, and go back to my old laptop. Which is getting full. And old. And obsolete. And slow. So yesterday, I decided I’m bigger than that. I can put in the time necessary to get this thing up to speed. Yeah…right!

First off, I checked my e-mail. There were 15,578 of them! No lie. Holy cats! I spent the better part of two hours sweeping them out and managed to get all the way down to just over 13,000. Sigh. That will have to wait. I tried to boot up Word and it crashed, as expected. I tried the troubleshooter and didn’t get anywhere. I went to the Microsoft page to troubleshoot from that end and got a message that I haven’t updated Windows since the Reagan administration. Ok…slight exaggeration. I checked to see how many critical and recommended updates that have accumulated since April. There were….ummmm, 82! This was obviously going to take a while. I set the new laptop aside and picked up the old laptop. Which I had updated 2 hours prior and the little wheel was still turning with the message “Restarting”. Once I got everything kind of put back together, I went back to do a second scan for updates and there were 122 more! Seriously…I am not a very patient person.

So, I picked up my phone to write this post the “old fashioned way”. And check my e-mail. Oy!

I don’t know about you, but I find myself far less organized since Mr. Virgo died. And I wasn’t terribly organized before. I just don’t seem to have the head for details like I did. There is such a thing as “grief brain”…a kind of emotional jet lag that hits hard with acute grief but gets better over time. But then you have the normal effects of aging thrown in. So it’s hard to tease out what is what. At any rate, I messed around with those computers for over 12 hours yesterday and was half cross-eyed when I finally gave it up for the night. Today is another day.


“For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a person may be weighed down by misery.”

Ecclesiastes 8:6 NIV

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