You are about to see a side of me that I seldom reveal. I avoid talking politics like I avoid questionable restaurants and dark alleys. They are dangerous and usually a hazard to my health…or perhaps the health of others. I saw a post on Facebook last night. Apparently Ann Coulter Tweeted during a presidential debate and called President Obama the “R-word”. The gentleman on the left there is John Franklin Stephens, a Global Messenger for Special Olympics. John responded to Ms. Coulter’s use of the derogatory word with an open letter to her posted on the Special Olympics blog. You can read his articulate response HERE.
Although I am seeing red at the perpetuation of this ugly term, that’s not what I’m writing about today. I shared this post on my Facebook page last night. You see, there are two words I will not tolerate…the N-word and the R-word. The N-word goes without saying. The R-word is personal. There is someone from high school on my Facebook page named Dave. Now, Dave and I have gone round and round on a few subjects. But, last night, Dave came back saying there was nothing wrong with the word retard as it meant “to slow down”. I responded with this:
“Ok, you are referring to “ri-TAHRD” and you are correct with your definition. Ms. Coulter is using the slang term “RE-tahrd” which is derogatory. Of course, you KNOW this. What you may not know however is I have a wonderful brother with a developmental disability. He has been the recipient of this particularly nasty epithet his entire life. I have, quite literally, kicked the ass of anyone ignorant enough to have called him this in my presence. I have discussed your fat-shaming remarks in an effort to enlighten you. I have unfollowed you so as to not read your remarks because my mama raised a nice girl. But you have barked up my tree for the last time, Dave. I will leave this on here till you see it then I am unfriending you. I will also pray that God gives you a conscience. Or herpes. I haven’t decided yet.”
*mike drop*
“They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.”
Isaiah 44:18