Someone shared this with me the other day. It is a poem by Veronica Shoffstall called “After Awhile”. It’s a beautiful lesson on love and loss and rebuilding. We have touched on dating here a couple of times. I have been on a few dates and I’ve been dismayed when I find myself looking at dates as potential partners. As this poem so eloquently states, we should plant our own gardens…decorate our own souls instead of waiting for someone to bring us flowers. Unless you meet a partner on even ground, there will always be unbalance. One will be giving and one receiving. This is a recipe for disaster in a relationship.
I’m finding the topic of relationships and dating far more complex than it was even a year ago. As I heal, I am less needy and less inclined to hurry into a “relationship”. I do look. I have a profile out there. I’m very selective now because I can be. There’s no hurry.
️“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12 NIV