Fitness Friday

In evaluating where I am in my grief journey, I have come to a very important crossroads. I always get introspective in the weeks leading up to Mr. Virgo’s Angelversary. I look at where I was, where I am, and where I want to be in the coming year. This time, all it took was a critical glance in the mirror and too tight jeans to tell me what needs tending to in the coming months.

My weight has always gone up and down. It was a real problem in my second marriage, but Mr. Virgo would have loved me if I had a third arm growing out of my forehead. He walked 12-16 hours a day in his line of work. I sat at my desk most of the time. The last thing he wanted to do was go out and exercise, which suited me fine. Or, at least, I thought it did.
As winter staked its claim on my hips and my psyche this year, I became sullen, lethargic, and not entirely pleasant to be around. The smallest exertion left me breathless and I found that to be alarming. See…here’s the thing. I honestly thought I would just die after losing Mr. Virgo. I didn’t dream I’d be left standing three years later in sweatpants and a shaggy Walmart haircut. Staring at that woman in the mirror was a rude wake up call. I’ve made great progress emotionally as I’ve navigated the roughest patch of water in my life. So now it’s time to take back my body.

I never do anything half-a$$ed. I cut out sugar, gluten, and bread immediately. I had already virtually cut out sodas at the first of the year. February 28th is my older grand’s birthday. What better way to celebrate than to begin a new lifestyle? I have either walked, biked, or done cardio everyday since. I’ve cut out all processed food. I eat clean and green…whole foods and grains. I eat raw fruits and vegetables…as much as I can. And water…water till my eyeballs are floating! I have not weighed myself, but I know how much I weighed in Colorado the first week of January. I feel SO much better already. My brain is actually sharper and I’m thinking clearer. My mood is elevated and I am even more hopeful than usual.

Grief is hard on you. It takes a toll on your body, mind, and spirit. Early in the grief process, there is absolutely no way you can control it. Eventually, however, there comes a point where you can begin to successfully make choices. Exercise, clean eating, and getting fit are my way of taking charge. I can’t wait to see what come next!


“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV

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