In psychology, the Ripple Effect is “emotional contagion in groups”. In other words, the emotions of one person can effect the mood of many others in the group. Negative energy is more readily spread. We’re all familiar with this in our daily interactions with others.
I think we can all agree there is a whole lot of negative energy swirling around in the world right now. It seems the volatile combination of a contentious political environment, a worldwide pandemic, and the resultant fallout of the two is taking it’s toll on everyone. Our collective mental health is suffering and I am praying in the coming months, we can start turning some of that around with calmer waters. When we get come semblance of control over this virus through vigorous health habits and herd immunity through vaccination and antibodies, we can get back to a more normal life.
When all this started last year, I don’t think the majority of people could even imagine it taking this long. It’s hard, I will not lie. I was telling Mr. FixIt yesterday…it’s not easy when you like each other and you get along. It’s got to be h*** when you’re having marital issues on top of it all. I personally know several who are really struggling with this and I hate it for them.
So, what can we do to bring up the vibrations around us when we can’t get away? For me, my first outreach is to God for comfort. He’s always there to listen to my heart and lift me up. In addition, here are some suggestions that might also help you and those around you.
- I know it sounds selfish, but make yourself a priority. You cannot fill another’s cup if yours is empty. Listen to your body and your emotions.
- Eat right. A machine cannot run well with low grade fuel. I know the carbs and crunch of sweet and salty foods are soothing, but they aren’t helping us.
- Get outside at least once a day. I know it isn’t easy when the weather is so cold and snowy…or rainy, as it is here in West Virginia. Just a twenty minute walk in the brightest part of the day helps boost the mood.
- Get the right amount of sleep. Too much is just as bad for you as not enough. Try to go to bed and get up within 30 minutes of the same times every day.
- Make your bed. Believe it or not, making your bed and scrubbing the kitchen sink are the two top chores you can do to really help soothe you. First, you are less likely to climb back in bed if you’ve made it. And, with a clean sink, you can call that good or add more chores that lift your satisfaction in your surroundings.
- Make lists. Making a list gives you a sense of purpose and offers a little more structure to days that just seem to run, doing the same things over and over. Mix it up a little and throw things on the list that add to your self care like “turn on music and dance for five minutes” or “trim your nails and massage some nice lotion on those dry hands and feet.”
- Try to call at least one other person every day to check in and see how they’re doing. Listen with a servant’s heart and pay attention to how you might help lift them in their struggles.
- If you have a partner in life, take the time to check in with them in a sincere way. Ask them how they’re doing. Be sure they know you care and they know you’re still a team. It’s easy to let things slide to the back burner in relationships. The back burner is where things go to die. Don’t let your love relationships wither in this arid climate.
- Encourage hobbies and activities you can do…either together or separately. This keeps the mind sharp and helps to lift the mood.
- Remember that spring is coming. Life won’t be like this forever…promise.
So, today is Tuesday…let’s make it a better, brighter day for someone else. And, in return, that will make it a better, brighter day for us.
“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.”
1 Peter 5:7 CEV