Ramping Up for Work

Oh, dear…what have we here???

Well, as you might have expected, I’ve been resting and healing the last ten days or so since we returned from Florida and now I’m itching to get busy. Mr. FixIt is doing so much better than he was this time last year after the strokes. We are at a point where we are more confident and not walking on eggshells wondering if another stroke is eminent.. That’s not only a glorious feeling, but it sets us back on course to get some things done around the Ponderosa.

We ran to town yesterday to get two more cameras for the surveillance system. I was looking on my cellphone for discount coupons at Harbor Freight while they were getting the cameras from the back. I stumbled upon an ad on their website showing the camera system we bought on Thursday went on sale Friday. Here’s something I didn’t know…Harbor Freight will discount your purchase if it was made within 30 days before a price is marked down, so we got our $30 knocked off the price of the two additional cameras. Good to know.

We stopped by Lowe’s to pick up a few things. As I was walking toward the register, we came upon this poor man. Looking all the world like a casualty of some sort, we were greatly relieved to find his little quart of paint wasn’t sealed shut and it leaked all over him and the floor of the store. He said he could hardly wait to see the look on his wife’s face when she joined him in a few minutes. We all had a good laugh, but inside…I said a quick prayer of thanksgiving that this was not innocent blood spilled.

We bought filters and oil to tune up the tractors as mowing season is around the corner. We bought paint to spruce up the end of the house where the old garage doors were when they converted the space to a family room. We bought a new storm door for that side of the house. And, we picked out new carpet for the family room. Right there is enough material to keep Mr. FixIt busy for a month and I can start downsizing and decluttering the house so we’ll be closer to selling.

There’s always something going on around here. We have to make hay while the sun shines, you know. I was chatting with a friend as I wrote this. She and I both had previous marriages where we had money…MUCH more money than we have now. I think back over that previous life of mine from time to time. While I enjoyed home projects in those days, it was just as easy (and permissible) to call someone to do things for me. We’re much more careful about how we spend what we have now and I have to tell you…while I may not be as financially well off in this season of life, my standard of living is much more satisfying. 

What is your standard of living anyway if not the comfort available to a person? It took me a long time to learn getting back to my roots would bring me great wealth…in my heart, mind, and spirit. I couldn’t ask for more.


“Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.”

Isaiah 49:13 ESV

6 thoughts on “Ramping Up for Work

    1. I think so…it’s getting to be more work than we want to do and I want to get settled in a new place while we can still get up and go and the move won’t kill us! We have an acre in town we may build on. ?

  1. Godspeed your move into smaller digs! We did this last year and while we still have ongoing projects we are much more comfortable smaller. There are better ways to spend time than overseeing many acres and two floors of living space.

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