Another Trip Around the Sun

Mr. FixIt has been asking me for a month what I want for my birthday. I told him my needs are few. I really wanted the outdoor movie theater for family gatherings. And I ordered that new food dehydrator. I’m sixty-eight years old. What on earth could I need? Clothes? I don’t think so. The pandemic has taught me I don’t need to dress up and go out to restaurants. We live in West Virginia. I live in comfort central.

I don’t need jewelry. I don’t need anything fancy. Flowers, maybe. Not cut flowers…but maybe some red geraniums to put in the pots along the fence. That might be nice. Mr. FixIt bought me a chocolate cake for my birthday. Chocolate cake is always good! My real birthday presents left Colorado yesterday and will be pulling in my driveway on June 25th! They have stops to make between there and here.

I had a blast with my high school friends yesterday. Fifty years it’s been since we graduated. I looked around the circle of faces and smiled. Many of us didn’t really know each other till we hooked up on Facebook. When I first moved back to West Virginia in 2014, I asked one of my friends here how often the gals meet for coffee. I was met with a black stare. It’s just not something they did. They were busy working and raising families. Well, I changed that in a hurry. And now we have our own Facebook group and…aside from the pandemic year…we have been getting together at least once a month and we all look forward to it.

After running a few errands, I came home and finished mowing. Mr. FixIt was mudding the drywall in the master bath, then he came out and ran the weed eater. It was hotter than blue blazes and he had to sit down on the steps of my old camper in the shade to cool off. I brought him a cool drink on a drive by on the mower. I mow under an umbrella shade on my mower and drink electrolytes while I work. 

A cool shower and supper and we were done! As I went out to the camper last night to write, Mr. FixIt said, “We’ll take tomorrow off.” Then he immediately started listing things he really needed to do. lol It’s my birthday! I have chocolate cake and hamburger from Dick’s Market to grill. We have a pool to swim in. Maybe we’ll go for a drive. It’s supposed to rain. God provides me with all that I need…including a garden. What more could I want?


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

James 1:17 ESV

#Birthday, #Gifts, #Present

4 thoughts on “Another Trip Around the Sun

  1. Happy Birthday, dear friend, and MANY more! I’m hoping to make it to a few more Diva Coffees when I retire and I’m able to spend more time back home. Enjoy your special day! ♥️??

  2. Wishing you a wonderful birthday! It sounds like all your birthday wishes are coming true. Thank you for always brightening my day with your stories. Keep on keeping on!

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