Another Busy Day in Paradise

Little is sure keeping us busy! I’d forgotten what it was like to have a 14-year-old in the house. They like to sleep…a lot! They like to stay up late and read and then sleep the day away. But that isn’t happening at Nana’s house. We have other things to do so she’s up and at ‘em much earlier than she would like. 

We made sourdough pancakes yesterday morning and Little thought they were great. We ran to town and got gas for the mowers. While we were there, we stopped in the store that comes the closest to being a combination housewares and hardware store. Little likes cosplay. If you don’t know what that is, it’s what we used to call playing “dress up”…kinda. The costumes are based on anime, historic, mythical, cartoon, or movie characters to name a few. There are also original characters. While we were in this store out in the middle of nowhere, Little found two headbands she could use in her costumes. 

Since she’s been in West Virginia, she keeps going on and on about how lush and green it is…and she keeps feeling like a fairy is going to pop out of the woods and ask her on a quest. Little has a very vivid imagination and she is very creative. She does character makeup really well. I could see her doing movie and theatrical makeup for a living…or at least a decent way to make some extra money in college. When she showed me the headbands and told me her ideas for a fairy costume, I remembered some things I had around the house that I used when a friend and I dressed up and went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I searched around and found her a corset and a couple of petticoats and a top hat. She was in hog heaven. She dressed up and we did a photo shoot out in this little cove that she loves. We had a blast!

Mr. FixIt installed my vintage medicine cabinet in the little bathroom off our bedroom. We purchased a three globe fixture to mount above it, but I wasn’t satisfied with the way it looked. I wanted something more like a fixture from the farm. He looked all over the internet and finally did a search for vintage lights on E-Bay and BAM…there it was! The perfect light for over the sink. It won’t be here till the 15th. We are so close to being finished with that room then we can start on the big bathroom.

I mowed all five acres yesterday. We grilled out on the deck and had burgers and corn-on-the-cob. For dessert, we had a little of the homemade ice cream I made last weekend. We’ve been dishing it out sparingly. 



“May you see your children’s children…”

Psalm 128:6 ESV

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