The Grand Prairie and Birdie’s Grand Adventure

If we were just meandering around the country with absolutely no agenda, there are some places we would have stopped and explored some more. Like…oodles of antique stores and quilt shops, for one thing. And there were some interesting museums that explored the history of pioneers heading west. I would love to see that some day. But I’m ready to see my kids!

We left Two Rivers State Recreation Area in Waterloo, Nebraska yesterday morning. The day broke cloudy and cool which made for great sleeping weather and driving was easy on the eyes. Since we were so far north of I-80, “Mavis” the GPS took us due south on US-77. What a great road! Seventy miles per hour four lane with NO traffic. Unfortunately, it was over all too soon and we were off to the dodgems of the long haul truckers heading west. We passed through several rainstorms but they weren’t nearly as heavy as the once we saw earlier in the week.

The Grand Prairie really amazes me. Long stretches of fields filled with thousands of round bales of hay. Soybeans and corn and grains of every variety as far as the eye could see. But the one thing that takes my breath away is the blanket of yellow Prairie Sunflowers. These aren’t the big heads of cultivated sunflowers grown for seed, oil, and other byproducts. These are wild and gangly and….everywhere! They look a lot like what we call Black-Eyed Susans back home. When we arrived at our campsite last night, the whole place was surrounded by fields of these beautiful flowers that make me smile. 

As we were driving along, I noticed a dark moving “cloud” and immediately caught my breath. 

“Look! A murmuration of birds!”

A murmuration is when a flock of birds fly together and as they soar around, they come together and expand, and create moving shapes in the sky. They are mesmerizing. They flew up from the fields of corn, did their sky dance, and just as rapidly…settled back down into the field again. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a really big murmuration…and this one could be seen from quite a distance.

We decided to cut our day in half yesterday and stop at Lake McConaughy in Ogallala, Nebraska. I’ve never been here and it was such a shock to come over the hill and see this huge body of water. The next thing you notice is how low the water level has fallen. The entire west is in a mega drought. I’ve seen reservoirs drop, but this is shocking. The lake is still huge and a major source of recreation in the area. Just about every license plate in the campground was Colorado. We were really lucky we hit the place yesterday, because they are booked for the next several days for Labor Day Weekend.

One “benefit” of the low water level is the broad, sandy beaches left exposed. People rush here to camp right down on the sand and by last evening, it was beginning to resemble Ft. Lauderdale. It was fun to watch. These huge tractors with massive tires towed the campers and 5th wheels down to the beach and backed them into their places. Then, when it’s time for the campers to leave, the tractors come back and haul them back up to the parking lots and their owners hook up and head on home. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Everything has been working well with the camper. And, as with all mechanical things, little stuff needs tended to from time to time. As I was backing into the campsite yesterday afternoon, when Mr. FixIt noticed the brake light on the drivers side was burned out. He went to pop off the lens and found it was glued on. This happens frequently because the lens attaches to the light fixture itself with two small plastic hooks. It’s very easy to break one of those hooks when changing a burned out light bulb. And the easiest fix is with glue. We will need to do a permanent fix with new rear light fixtures. They aren’t very expensive. We can order them from Amazon if we can’t find them at a trailer supply store in Denver. No big deal.

Everything in life requires maintenance. I’ve been enjoying the “tuneup” traveling with my sweetheart has afforded me. I think Birdie is the best camper we could have bought to keep us in close quarters. And hours in a pickup truck, toodling across the miles is an excellent way to keep the communication going. Every time Mr. FixIt and I take a trip, we always say “That was the BEST one!” 

And yet…each one gets better!


“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!”

Psalm 141:3 ESV

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