We woke up this morning and got the camper closed up before it sprinkled. The drive was easy, but there are an awful lot of trucks on I-70. The detour around Indianapolis was a sight to behold. Miles and miles and miles of traffic in both lanes…sitting at a complete standstill. Coming from the west wasn’t such a big deal because there was a clearly marked detour on I-465 circling around the south of the city. However, by the time we joined I-70 again, the westbound lanes looked like a parking lot and we were ever so grateful we weren’t going in that direction.
We drove in and out of little rain storms…nothing more than a few minutes with the windshield wipers on. When we saw the big cross at Effingham, we knew we were almost there. We went to get something to eat before we went to the campground so we wouldn’t have to come out again. I will tell you this…it will be a LONG time before I eat fast food again. Ugh! We made sandwiches several times, but we never once cooked…either in the camper or on the outdoor grill. I am really looking forward to a good home cooked meal from our kitchen.
We were thrilled to get the very same campsite we had last time here at Grandpa’s Farm Campground in Richmond, Indiana. We got the camper set up, opened up the curtains to see the view of the walnut trees in the campground, and hunkered down for the night. The owner tells us these trees only produce every other year and since last year was a bumper crop, we shouldn’t be awakened in the middle of the night with a loud bang on the roof. I certainly hope not. We camped under oak trees a couple of times and those big, fat acorns sound like a gunshot when they hit the camper roof!
As much as I love traveling, I am looking forward to next week. We get home tomorrow, then I leave Friday to go camp with some girlfriends for a couple of days. We have to go to Columbus on Monday for another scan trying to find my parathyroid glands who have gone AWOL. Starting Tuesday, we have no major plans for a while. I really am looking forward to some down time!
“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”
Psalm 139:9-10 ESV