Even though I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to get done before the snow flies, I didn’t get much accomplished yesterday. Since we had our Covid boosters on Sunday, I kind of expected yesterday to be a bit of a slack off our usual schedule. I wasn’t wrong. I don’t feel BAD. No headache, no fever, no body aches any worse than my baseline. Just didn’t have a lot of juice is the only way I can describe it. My arm is sore, but not as sore as the last two shots. So, overall…I’m good.
I finished winterizing the new camper. While I was out there, I could hear a repetitive series of four beeps in the distance. Once I was finished, I went to investigate and it was Birdie…chirping! It turned out, I left a bucket of water with a little cleaner in it. And Sunday night, we went out and closed the ceiling vent because rain was coming. I think the combo of the cleaner and the vent being closed set off the CO/Propane monitor. That and the fact that the battery ran down because the camper hasn’t been plugged in for a couple of weeks. I set up the trickler on the battery and reset the monitor and the beeping magically went away.
By this time, we were both ready for supper. I bought a London Broil for $15 on sale Saturday and set it in the fridge in a bowl of marinade. I turned it yesterday morning and let it set another 24 hours in the fridge. I have never broiled anything in this oven before and it took longer to get to internal temperature than I thought it would. It didn’t turn out quite as tender as I had hoped it would, but it was very tasty. We’ll use the leftovers for sandwiches, steak salad, and fajitas this week. That will simplify meal prep.
We had rain off and on yesterday. I changed the bedding and put the electric blanket on. I love a warm bed in a very cool room. Mr. FixIt, however, loves a warm room with a very light blanket. I have slowly weaned him from that by making sure the electric blanket is really warm when he comes to bed. It just doesn’t make any sense to me to warm up the house for the few seconds it takes to undress and hop under the covers. There are many things we both compromise on and, after all, we’ve only been married three years. We’re still finding areas where we can give and take. I topped off the bed with this really sweet vintage quilt I picked up somewhere along the way. I love sleeping under a quilt. It seems like all the love that went into each square wraps itself around me and makes me feel at peace.
I was looking at my Facebook memories yesterday and found these great pictures I took on an outing at a local nursery…pre-Mr. FixIt. While spring and summer are my favorite seasons, I think I love fall the most when it comes to photography. I love the warm and cozy vibe you get on cloudy, misty days. I’m definitely NOT a pumpkin spice and Hallmark movie kinda gal, but I do love a big baggy sweater and leggings and great boots with maybe a barn jacket thrown over it with a scarf if it’s really chilly. I’m a falling leaves and cocoa and a great cookbook lover. I’m the happiest when I have something yummy in the oven making the house smell divine. Maybe by the weekend, I’ll have all this camping gear organized and put away for the winter and the family room will be livable again. One can only hope!
“he will give the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain and your wine and your oil.”
Deuteronomy 11:14 ESV