The Sweet Smell of Spring

We are solidly in spring now. Tornado season is cranking up, and so my thoughts turn to the drive across tornado alley in the coming days. My living room is in utter chaos as I begin ardently sorting and deciding what I honestly need to take rather than doing what I usually do…throw everything but the kitchen sink in the truck and never use a tenth of it. The struggle is real.

The RV dealership called me this morning to let me know they have a tracking number for the part they ordered for my fridge. They expect it to arrive today…tomorrow morning at the latest. I told them that was good, because one way or another, I’m taking the camper tomorrow. I can’t wait any longer…I need to hit the road.

We went to town last evening for the youngest granddaughter’s senior night for softball. It was a BBQ, and afterwards, the kids played the parents in kickball which was loads of fun. I knitted as we sat and chatted with the former Mrs. FixIt. When we got home and I walked into that messy living room…my anxiety started to rise. Am I going to be ready to go tomorrow? What was that I was supposed to remember? Oy! Instead of freaking out, I sat down with my knitting and worked a couple of rows. Then I started writing my post for today, and soon I was feeling all zen again. 

It is so easy to borrow time from the future and spend it before you even get it…all in your mind, of course. Every time a scenario presented itself in my Nervous Nelly brain, I tossed that ball over to Jesus and reminded myself, I cannot tell the future. It could turn out 1000% different than I could ever dream anyway. Every time I bring myself back to where I am in the current moment, my blood pressure goes down and I can breathe again.

One of the most beautiful harbingers of spring is the sweet smelling lily of the valley. We had these sweet little flowers growing by the steps to our front porch when I was a child. I distinctly remember picking them and inhaling their heady fragrance deep to my core and thinking there was nothing finer in this world than a spring day. I went to my friend’s on Sunday to pick something up and he had me pinch off a sprig to smell on my way home. What a trip down memory lane. 

I have a video consult with my endocrine surgeon this morning at 9:00 then I can go full tilt packing for the trip. In the meantime, I’m just going to chill and enjoy the process. 


“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

Mark 6:31 ESV

2 thoughts on “The Sweet Smell of Spring

  1. My “packing for a trip” mantra has become “There is a Walmart somewhere.” It has really helped me stress less about the packing. Forgot my underwear? Oh, well, there is a Walmart somewhere. Toothbrush left at home? Maybe there will be a Dollar General close by. Just DON’T forget the debit card! LOL Enjoy your trip!

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