Change is my middle name. I have absolutely no problem changing direction at any given moment and can shift with the winds. I spent a good portion of the day with Daughter #2 yesterday. I picked her and her wife up and took them to our favorite breakfast joint. Then, after dropping my daughter-in-law off at home, my daughter and I ran errands and chatted. We oohed and aahed over the kittens at PetSmart. We browsed the sale racks at Target and I bought a new floor fan. Then we went to the most beautiful garden shop and looked at plants. They are working on building up the soil in their yard so we picked up a few bags of this and that. When we got back to their house, we looked around the yard at the new plants coming up. They’ve made a lot of progress since I was there in September and I’m very proud of their hard work.
Everyone is busy at this age. Work, home, families…it all takes time and I’m thrilled with what time I can get with them. I’ll be the last one to guilt my kids into spending time with me. I remember what it was like to be their age when you’re pulled in ten different directions. So, since we all got proper visit time, I made the executive decision to head home today. I’ve been gone since May 4th and I’m homesick and I miss my husband. I’ve had a wonderful time visiting Colorado, but I’m ready to get back to my beautiful West Virginia home. It’s time!
So, here we go…can you say “Road Trip”???
“The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
Psalm 121:8 ESV
#Colorado, #RoadTrip, #WestVirginia, #Camping
Glad you had a nice visit
Wishing you happy, safe travels! ❤️?