The Beckett Brothers

The Beckett Brothers

I never met them. I didn’t know them. But, I knew who they were. Everyone knew who they were. When I was a little girl, you didn’t drive anywhere in town without seeing them together…walking. They walked everywhere. They loved to travel. One would always walk about ten feet behind the other. Their determined stride would take them cross town and cross country. I’ve heard stories. “They were very wealthy…they just chose to live this way.” I don’t know the truth. I do know they called them names. “Pete and Repeat”. “Mutt and Jeff”.

In truth…they were Gerald and John. They were inseparable. They were not twins but they dressed alike. Always. One time one of them was injured and they got a wheelchair. The well one wheeled the sick one. When he finally got well, an argument ensued. The well one felt it was his turn to be pushed around but the sick one refused to give up his cushy gig. There were lots of stories. But not a lot of people coming forward with open arm to help these guys. Finally, a girl named Heather was driving buy and saw them with the wheelchair stuck in the snow and said a prayer. “Lord! Why don’t you DO something for these men.” And God answered her…”I did. I made you!” So Heather turned around, drove back, and helped the men out of the snowbank in her high heels. Thus began a loving friendship between the most unlikely of people. Heather taught her children to love the way Christ loved.

The Beckett Brothers

This week, Gerald died in his sleep. Heather and her family was at his side. So was John. We’ll just have to wait and see how John fairs without his brother. I pray for his comfort. I pray for Heather and her family as they make this journey with only John. Parkersburg has lost a legend, an icon. It will never be the same without them walking the streets together. ❤️

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭133:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬


19 thoughts on “The Beckett Brothers

  1. I pray that John will have comfort in knowing one day he will be reunited with his brother Gerald.
    I to have witnessed two such brothers here in Amarillo. . I dont know their names but have seen them many times walking in my old neighborhood, one always walking behind the other . Dont know if they are twins and I dont know their story. Even in the hottest days , they wear winter jackets . They walk everywhere together. I see them carrying bags of groceries nearly everywhere. Your post just reminded me I haven’t seen them all summer . I hope that they are both alright .

  2. While I love the encouraging recounts of your many adventures, THIS column and others like it are the reason I follow you! (and I’m not ‘religious’, just enamored of my fellow humans)

    Thank you Ginnny, for sharing your daily world and your thoughts about it.

  3. Like you, I don’t remember “home” without the Beckett Brothers. Once I had my 3 young children with me grocery shopping at the original Big Bear in the Park Shopping Center. The guys were having a little disagreement over in the dairy department so I had to skip the milk and went shopping down a different aisle. A few minutes later, they both went walking past, one after the other, a peaceful as ever. My kids were fascinated by seeing them up close. ? May Gerald RIP and John find comfort.

  4. I had seen them travel the streets all my life as well . Clear up till one passed away . Now only one is left. I can’t imagine how the other one feels. Now that he has lost his brother. May God be with him on the last of his journey to heaven. Where he will be reunited with his brother. I did not know them personally but I had met them. Prayers to John the last remaining brother.

  5. 2022. I grew up in Parkersburg and always saw and heard the stories of them as well. As I was telling this memory to someone I decided to look it up. I was sure nothing would populate. God be with John and Gerald be with God.

      1. I would like more information on Gerald and John Beckett if you have any. They would have been my Uncles. I was in Parkersburg in 2018. I could not find them or anything about them

        1. I suggest you look up Dan Kemper or Roger Mackey on FB. They have TONS of old photos from earlier in Parkersburg’s history. Look up the page Early Parkersburg WV & surrounding Area. Hope you find the info you’re looking for. I really don’t know that much about their personal life…j ust that they were fixtures in the area.

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