And the Clouds Parted!

Look at that sky!!!

For the first time in what seems like forever, the sky cleared to intermittent clouds and sun. No rain and the temperature got up into the 60’s! The grass dried up enough by 1:00 to start mowing. Of course by that time I could have practically baled hay. It was very slow going. I had to raise the mower deck and mow really slow so I would reduce the risk of breaking the belt. When I was making one round, I noticed a beautiful patch of bright and shiny buttercups. They looked so healthy turning their little faces up to the sun that I just couldn’t mow them down. 

Beautiful Buttercups!!!

I stopped the mower and asked God what he wanted me to do. I immediately got a picture in my mind of a dream I had a couple of weeks ago. Two free form shapes with a wide path between them for interest. I could see a garden bench and a birdbath and I thought…I’ll build a meditation garden where I can come and sit and watch the butterflies and the pretty flowers grow. I’ve started out small and I’ll see where it takes me. 

You can see the two pollinator areas…the one on the left is on a slight incline. The one to the right is flat so you don’t see it as well.

As I wandered around the field after I finished mowing, I heard the creek running so I walked over to listen as the water tumbled over the rocks creating a small waterfall. In the rainy season, this little creek can really roar but I’ve never seen it overflow its banks. This is the creek out front between the house and the road. There’s another creek out back along the fields that has actually flooded a couple of times, but it doesn’t come anywhere near the house. I don’t think it would ever rise into the pollinator garden, either.

The creek out front. The area I call “the hedgerow” follows this creek.

Since we got such a late start, I didn’t get all the grass cut, so I’ll have to go out today and finish. Mr. FixIt got his part finished. We need to take his truck to the dump because it’s still filled with old shingles from the roof job last fall. I can’t help him tomorrow because it’s our granddaughter’s bridal shower. We’ll probably wait till Monday to do that because we have to get out to the farm and mow there soon. It’s a never ending list of things that need doing around here. But I always feel so accomplished and content when I go to bed after a hard day’s work. 

I had to pop in the camper and realized I had the worst hair out there mowing in the breeze…but I felt beautiful with my sun-kissed cheeks!

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I remember going to Cancun for the very first time on May 6th, 1989 and everyone looked…well, like they’d partied hearty the night before. Wow, that was a fun trip with friends and great memories were made.


“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”

Song of Songs 2:11-12 NIV


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