I Know A Change is Gonna Come

Looking down the creek, I think the big rains we’ve had the last few years is washing dirt and rocks down from high up and it’s filling the creek. Maybe that’s why it is spreading out.

I fiddled around on the computer and cleaned up the house before I came home yesterday. I moved a floor mat to the inside of the back door into the kitchen because we’re always tracking mud in. The steps off the back porch and that sidewalk grow moss and algae on them, so every step is wet and soggy and that just leaves muddy footprints all over the kitchen. I know it’s not my house anymore, but Grandma would want it kept clean, so I cleaned it.

Tradition. Peer pressure from dead people. 

I can’t believe the amount of stuff I tote there and back. I think I’m just going to leave some stuff in Grandma’s dresser and not carry so much back and forth. I’m sure I’ll be going out more often with that lightning fast internet out there! Especially now that the biggest portion of our travel is over. Well, sort of. Next week, I’m going up to Gail’s for a couple of nights for a visit. We’re camping the third and fourth weeks of September. Then we have our big two week camping trip to the beach in October. Then we’re done for the year! 

This was just an incredibly busy summer. Daughter #1 led Freshman Orientation at her high school yesterday and they start classes on Monday. School doesn’t begin in our area till the last week of August. Once that happens, then I’m kinda ready for fall.

I reopened my shop yesterday from vacation mode now that we’re caught up with the mowing and all. (Although, I need to mow the next good day. The grass has really grown this week.) I had fun designing some fall things yesterday so I’m looking forward to sharing them with you. Also, I was gifted some beautiful silverware last weekend and I’m actually going to start making art jewelry again. I’ll let you know when you can expect that to show up.

I didn’t write much when I was out at the farm this time. I wanted to really be mindful and present to those warm feelings I get when I’m there. Each time I visit, I’m reminded how old and tired that house is. The encroaching forest seems to threaten to swallow it whole. I was standing on the edge of the creek, shucking corn for my supper when I was struck by how wide the creek-bed has become. What was once just a little trickling branch has turned into a true creek…roaring past the house when these heavy storms fueled by global warming fill it nearly to the brim. It is eroding the creek-bank FAST. I have seen a noticeable change year after year since I moved back in 2014. 

I know my days are numbered at the farm. I don’t dwell on it, but I am trying to prepare myself for the eventuality. I know, I know….how many times have I told you that? But, this time feels different. And it’s not just the house. It’s the times. It’s the world. It’s the division and unrest. 

I don’t know…I am just reminded of Sam Cooke’s song…..“A Change is Gonna Come.” It’s been running through my head all week and Jennifer Hudson slayed it at the Kennedy Center when they were honoring Denzel Washington.

“There been times that I thought
I couldn’t last for long
But now, I think I’m able
To carry on

It’s been a long 
A long time comin’, but I know 
A change gon’ come
Oh yes, it will.”


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8 NIV

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