My knitting throne!
I made a good breakfast yesterday and plopped myself in the Big Red Chair and knitted all day! What a treat! It felt weird…like I should be doing something else, but I stuck it out and got half a hat knitted. We watched old reruns and drank hot beverages and it was just so nice. It rained most of the day and it was so cozy under my blankie. I’m heading out to meet my high school girlfriends for coffee today. I’m cooking up some ideas in my head for Christmas gifts I can make. I don’t need to buy a thing because I bought those five boxes of fabric this summer and I have two tubs of yarn. I’m sure I can come up with something from all that!
Since I took the day off, I’m taking the night off, too. I’ll leave you something from the archives and I’ll be back tomorrow.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 ESV
A week from today is Small Business Saturday. Please support small businesses that day. You aren’t paying for hefty advertising budgets or the high overheads of big box stores. You’re helping a single mom put food on the table. You’re helping a young entrepreneur get their dreams off the ground. You’re helping a retiree supplement her fixed income for the little extras she can give her family. If you have a friend who has a small business, share their site on your social media page. It doesn’t cost anything but a few moments of your time and you’ve done a great deed in helping spread the word. No matter who you buy from, small business owners appreciate it so much…so, thank you from all of us!