
My latest basket!

What a wonderful long weekend off! Sometimes you just need to unplug and recharge. Did I accomplish a ton? Nope, but I accomplished what was important. I chatted with my brother over his new Echo device. He things that is the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately, there is a setting on his end that when he calls me, it’s on my phone and not the Echo, so we need to adjust something. It may actually have to wait till the next time I’m there because my phone may have to be there.

We went to our littlest great grand’s 2nd Birthday Party. What a sweetie pie! They live in a lovely house with very high ceilings and hardwood floors. Add a handful of screaming children driving little electric cards all the way around the kitchen island and it was chaos. THEN they served these little ankle biters cake and ice cream! It was crazy and happy and cuteness overload!!!

We didn’t get to see these littles since last summer. So we brought their Christmas AND birthday gifts with us. I put the hat I made on the birthday boy and it was as though he’d never worn a toboggan before. He held his head very still and only moved his eyes. I felt sorry for him and took it off. He seemed terribly relieved. lol

Mr. FixIt went to the bowling alley to visit with his friends midday since the Super Bowl was on last night. I sat on the laptop with my headphones on watching Big swim her heart out! She did really well and I could see Daughter #1 and Son-in-Law Extraordinaire on screen several times as they helped out. My SIL has a degree in photography so he was taking pictures of the swimmers. Those kids worked so hard for four straight days. I know they are exhausted and I think they have to go back to classes tomorrow. College athletics are rough and college athletes are tough. It builds good character.

I finished another crocheted basket and even have enough yarn left to make another small one.  I also have another teddy bear knitted and ready to put together. I have knitting group today and I’ll work on another blanket, but this one is different. And complicated. Big time learning curve, but I’m up for the challenge.

The rest of my weekend was spent relaxing. I slept in the camper for two nights. Not really “camping”, but still so much fun. I slept with the window opened and listened to an Eastern Screech Owl trilling down by the creek. It was really soft and low and was so soothing. There was a slight breeze. It rained off and on and I laid there on that memory foam mattress under the electric blanket and listened as it tapped gently on the roof. It was so soothing and I feel like I’ve been a week’s vacation.

We don’t have anything to do till Thursday so we’re really looking forward to a good week…relaxing and enjoying our time together. 

Go Chiefs!!!


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.“

Matthew 11:28 NIV

#SuperBowl, #KansasCityChiefs, #Football

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