Little Visitors

I overslept yesterday. Well, actually I didn’t even set an alarm for knitting group. I forgot. Turned out it was a happy accident because I slept deep and long…just what I needed after such a long and difficult week. I woke up and looked at my phone and was totally surprised to see 10:30. I was supposed to be at knitting at 9:00. I texted my apologies. It’s summer and I’m not the only one that’s going to be gone for most of it. We’ll get back to it in the fall. There’s just way too much to do in the summertime!

I headed out to mow after breakfast. Even though we had a bit of rain the night before, it wasn’t enough to make a difference and the grass was dry and burnt. I hat mowing when it’s like that because the dust just swirls all around me and even with a mask, I was coughing and sputtering and sneezing my head off. I finished the two fields and it was time for supper so I went in and made burgers, fried yellow squash and Amish potato salad. 

After supper, I went out to finish up the mowing. As I came around the front of the camper on the door side, the mower actually sucked the rug right under the mowing deck and it got all caught up in the blade. It smoked and made a terrible noise and the tractor stalled. I started to go get Mr. FixIt but I figured I could do it myself. 

I pulled the car ramps out of the garage, drove the mower up on them, and untangled the badly chewed up rug from the blades. I prayed I hadn’t damaged anything, and it started right up with no problems. By the time I finished mowing, it was cooling down and I went in for a much needed shower. I was black from head to toe with all that dust and dirt.

I had to confess to Mr. FixIt that I ruined his rug. He’s had that rug for fifteen years, apparently. I thought it was the one I bought when I was towing on my own, but there was no use crying over spilt milk. I messed it up, but we can always get a new one. Just another thing to do. 

As I was mowing the far field yesterday, I kept spooking one of the fawns. When I was off doing the near field, it came to snuggly down in the pollinator gardens. Then, every time I swing back around…off it would go. This went on several times till I was finished and the dear little deer could rest all she wanted.

Two more sleeps till we leave. I am going to strip the bedding and do a quick scrub down in the camper. By nightfall, I want the bedding to be finished, towels stocked, and the overhead cubbies emptied and repacked. Mr. FixIt Junior is combing by today to check out the mower to make sure he knows the ins and outs. He has kindly agreed to mow while we are gone. We’ll get the last of the camper stuff packed and in the truck on Wednesday. The snack bin needs fresh snacks. We hang our clothes on a rod in the back seat of the truck. The only thing we’ll have to do on Thursday is pull out and head west!

For as crazy as the last couple of weeks have been, I’m feeling pretty laid back about the trip prep. We’re so blessed that heat wave has broken somewhat. I think we’ll have one more 90° day this week and the rest is much more reasonable with nice lows at night. Good sleeping weather.

If I don’t have a lot to say in the next couple of days, it’s because I’m just plugging along.


“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.”

James 2:26 ESV

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