Ugh…Re-Entry Blahs

Show of hands…who can relate to needing a vacation after a vacation? Most of us, right? I took Tuesday off, but I’ve been busy ever since. We had to take the camper to a dealer yesterday to have the damage from the Kansas storm assessed. The folks at the service department were blown away at the story of the storm that took us by surprise and nearly blew US away. I’m not turning the camper over for repairs until camping season is over. But in the meantime, I wanted the roof checked as well as the stabilizer jacks. They got tweaked by the force of the storm literally lifting the camper off the ground on one side then dropping it back down. Both motions are damaging to the mechanics of the support jacks and that’s what keeps you level. The dealership we chose was the one the original owner purchased the camper from. It’s a fifty mile round trip but they know Jayco campers. The staff were wonderful. The service guy noticed a couple of places on the roof that needed patched and I’m really glad we took it in before we camp more this season. Water leaks kill campers.

So, it didn’t seem like I did a lot yesterday, but I still had to get back to Parkersburg, do some grocery shopping, get the camper back home and unhooked, then fix supper and clean the kitchen. I was toast. I did make a great southern supper last night. Baked pork chops, fried green tomatoes (in the air fryer) and corn on the cob. So, so yummy! I love summer time!

I may not do much today. The kids are coming over this weekend for a barbecue and swimming so I’m sure I’ll be busy doing some things around here. Thank you to everyone who sent prayers and good wishes for Hubby #2 and his recovery from his heart transplant. He has a long process ahead of him but we are all so grateful he’s still with us. I’ll save the trip to the farm for next week. Then I can have a formal break! lol

In the meantime….I need to put stuff away!!!


“But all things should be done decently and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:40 ESV

#Vacation, #CatchingUp, #ReEntry

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