This Is More Like It

Mr. FixIt had a couple of things to do in town yesterday and that gave me the whole day to myself. I didn’t do much till around noon when I decided I’d better go to the farm to mow. The grass was long but not as bad as I thought it would be. I got it mowed pretty quickly and took some time to sit on the front porch and contemplate how peaceful it was. The birds were singing. A little western blue-tailed skink wiggled out from under my chair and soaked up the sun till I moved and he went on his way in a hurry. 

This was exactly what I needed to center myself and feel anchored. I was home. 

It wasn’t long before the temperature spiked and it was time to head back home. I stopped first at Happy Jim’s Trading Post. When I bought those cook books there in June, I left behind a few that I regretted picking up. I was thrilled to see they were still there, plus a more on sewing that I had to have. I mean, for $4, how could I resist? A quick stop at Piggly Wiggly to pick up a few things and I got everything put away before Mr. FixIt got home. 

I was happy when he said he’d like to have hotdogs for supper. That always makes for an easy time in the kitchen and a quick cleanup after. After the news and a couple of episodes of Big Bang Theory and I was ready for a little after dinner sweet. Remember when we were in Colorado and bought “sugar biscuits” at Whole Foods? They were a whopping 400 calories…each! I knew I could make them for less. I’ve been baking biscuits in my air fryer for the last few months. I adapted them and the results were delicious!

I put about 3 Tablespoons of sugar in one pie plate and a few tablespoons of evaporated milk in the other one. I dipped each biscuit in the milk then the sugar and placed them in the air fryer, turned the heat to 330°, and cooked the first side for 10 minutes (I actually did 7 minutes and checked them then added 3 more.) I turned the biscuits over and cooked them for another 3 minutes. I popped a couple biscuits in each bowl, added about a cup of lightly sweetened strawberries and topped with sugar free whipped cream in the can. It came out to about 400 calories. Twice the volume for the same calories as a sugar biscuit alone from Whole Foods.

My sister-friend in Florida has dubbed me MommaPie because of my baking skills. I’ll take that. I ended the day feeling energized and ready to really re-enter everyday life again. That’s always a “thing” I have to go through every…single…time!


“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”” Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

#TheFarm, #StrawberryShortcake, #ReEntry

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