When God Seems Quiet

Do you sometimes feel this noisy world is drowning out the sound of God’s voice? Sometimes I find myself down the rabbit hole of politics and I want to scream into the void, “Aren’t you listening?????” I find myself in that unenviable and dark place all too often lately and it leaves me exhausted, frustrated, disappointed.

When I am with my wonderful friends whose political viewpoints are diametrically opposite of mine, I do my level best not to “go there.” Not that I am incapable of having a civil discussion, but more out of respect for my friend’s choice to believe as they wish…just as I do.

I got dangerously close to the “third rail” when I was camping with Gail last week. Gail is incredibly wise and kind. We are very close. She patiently let me rant a while then said, “Ginny, you are looking at this only through the lens of politics and not through the heart of God.” We are instructed in the Bible that part of the responsibility of the faithful is to correct the course of our brothers and sisters in Christ. And, while the dogma I ascribe to varies from my dear friend in certain areas, her words were delivered with love and encouragement. For that I am most grateful. To have that dear friend who is emboldened to help when crossing those waters has the potential of damaging your friendship is a deep gift. One that I value tremendously.

Mr. FixIt had to go to town yesterday to see the podiatrist about a place on his foot that I was concerned about. Being a former Diabetes Educator has benefited him these last few years. But having that knowledge brings a different level of worry when things don’t look right. I’ve been slowly getting him in with the specialists I want him to see for his ongoing care and I was thrilled to find this great guy. Dr. Christian Valle is young and knowledgeable with a wonderful bedside manner. When he had some of the nail trimmed away, I was thrilled we weren’t looking at anything bad. Just a heightened awareness that’s always good to have in cases like this.

When we got home, we were getting settled into our Big Red Chairs for a little down time when Mr. FixIt asked if I’d seen Lisa’s post. I went to her FB page and there she was, tucked into a hospital bed, her sweet smile belying her fatigue in order to talk to those who love her. It turns out, a couple of weeks ago, Lisa was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and through much prayer and discussion with her medical team, she decided to come home on hospice. She doesn’t have the energy to talk to everyone so this little recorded conversation was the next best thing.

Lisa was my first school friend. When our teacher had decided I was the one she was going to pick on that year, Lisa was there to pray with me in the little girl’s room before lunch so I could get over my anxiety and eat. Just a few months later, my parents moved us to another school district and I never really connected with Lisa again till we were adults.

She went to Junior High with Mr. FixIt. We saw each other at the class reunions and picnics. Then, when we were married in 2018, I couldn’t think of anyone I wanted more to perform the ceremony than our friend, Lisa.

As I replayed what could be her last farewell to us, my conversations with Gail ran through my mind. Lisa is likely closer to seeing Jesus face-to-face than I am. He knows her well. She’s a pastor and a “good and faithful servant.” I have to ask myself…will He know me when I get there?

I still keep my nose in politics as I vote for my own self-interests and those of my family and community. God gave us free will and I intend to utilize that gift. However, opinions and thoughts are as vast as the universe filled with billions of stars. As I gaze up at the Milky Way, I’m reminded of what led me to Jesus in the first place. He showed me that I am no more consequential in the grand scheme of things than one tiny dot in the blackness of the heavens. All I can do is follow his greatest commandment and LOVE.

Just LOVE.

The rest will get sorted out.


“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭8‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“If God seems quiet right now, just remember…no one shouts when they’re standing right next to you.” @abbyshopeshop


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