I love our little knitting group. There’s just four of us…that’s all the room we have in the gal’s house where we meet. I’m so glad the weather has improved so much and we can get together again. I brought some of the Sourdough English Muffins I baked Saturday and one of the other gals brought some of her homemade red raspberry jelly to go with. So, so good!
I love seeing the projects the others are working on. One was making a banner for a birthday party. The other two were making scarves. I finished the big basket for beside my chair. I can put my current project in it and it will look much nicer than the myriad shopping totes that surround my “nest.” One of the gals gave us each a round wooden disk with holes around the edge. It was a wooden basket bottom. She had made one to show it and it was really cool. After supper, I sat down and made one myself and it was so much easier than it looked. I’ll have to order some of those to make Christmas presents for the girls for next year.
The snow is just about gone! It was in the low 60’s yesterday and it felt wonderful. There is actually some green grass peeking around the edges and the beginning blades of iris are coming up in my flower beds. It was actually warm enough last night that I could have slept in the camper if it was here. It will probably be ready in another couple of weeks and I can’t wait!
I made a yummy dinner of pork cutlets, fried potatoes, and sauerkraut. It was absolutely monochromatic tan and not a stitch of color! But, Mr. FixIt loved it so that’s all I could ask for. I’ll need to bake bread today. Or tomorrow. I also need to make another batch of granola. The last batch I baked a little too long and it was dark. But I couldn’t throw it out. I’m almost through it now so I can justify baking a fresh batch. Ingredients sure aren’t getting cheaper! I’m worried about that.
It won’t be quite as warm today, but just having a little respite from all that bitter cold and snow is welcome! Is it warming up where you are?
“You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter.” Psalm 74:17 ESV
***Gratitude Journal*** Today I am grateful for the girlfriends I have in my life. They listen and give wise counsel. They are my teachers and my students. I always tell young women not to forget about their women’s friends. They are going to need them down the road. A burden shared is halved. A joy shared is doubled.
#girlfriends, #sharing, #knitting