Dismantling Christmas and Getting Good News

Ever since the Covid lockdown, I’ve left the Christmas tree up till Super Bowl Sunday. We were so excited by the game, I didn’t even think of it. Mr. FixIt had an appointment in town yesterday so I stayed home and started taking the Christmas decorations down. And of course, since I’m a multitasker, I started a triple batch of Kate’s Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread…my new go-to for baking bread, rolls, pizza crust, and cinnamon rolls. As I write this, it’s 11:00pm and I’m going to be up late baking again. Actually, I kinda like having the house quiet while I work on projects.

I received some good news yesterday. Hubby #2 has been getting dialysis three times a week since his kidneys stopped working after his heart transplant. The last few weeks, he’s been having tests to see if he could get approved for a new kidney and he finally got the call Tuesday. He’s on the list! His transplant team are perfectionists so the kidney has to be an exact match. It could be this week, or next. We don’t know. But I know he covets your prayers so if you would please pray for the right donor for him, we would all be so appreciative.

This last year has been very difficult for our family. With nearly losing my daughter’s dad and my other daughter’s mother-in-law, we’ve all grown so much closer. In 2000, my second marriage didn’t end well and there was a lot of lingering pain. As I was walking through all that, I decided my anger wasn’t helping anyone. So, whenever he popped into my mind, I prayed earnestly for his happiness and for God to heal my family. Being the instant gratification girl that I am, I wanted it done in a hurry…thank you very much. Over time, that prayer turned into my salvation as I came to Christ in 2004. 

Hubby #2 went on to marry a wonderful Christian woman. And I met and married Mr. Virgo. We were both happy for the other, but there was still a difficult distance. As you know by my embrace of Mrs. FixIt 1.0, I wish always to have a familial relationship with my exes. I think it’s better for us and better for the kids. As you can imagine, facing the prospects of an early death created a spiritual journey for #2 and Jesus created an awakening in him that opened his heart to a renewed friendship with me. We text when he’s in dialysis. I share spiritual messages with him and I know how much he appreciates that. When I see a short video when a message, I copy it into a message and leave it in my phone. As the two days between dialysis pass, I add more so that when he’s at the kidney center, he’ll have good things to contemplate. This has healed both of our hearts immeasurably and takes me back to those early prayers in 2000.

“Lord, heal my family.” And look what He’s done! More than I could have ever imagined. 

God is Good…ALL the time!


“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***  Today I am grateful for the friendship and fellowship I enjoy with my former husband. God not only healed my family…He gave us a totally new relationship. We are now brother and sister in Christ and I couldn’t ask for anything more beautiful than that. 

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