I’m finally getting a rhythm with this baking. I’ve found a recipe that I like and can replicate if I keep myself on task and don’t get distracted by sparklies. I fed my starter on Tuesday afternoon when I got home from the farm. It had more than doubled by bedtime so I started the levain. A levain is an interim step between the feed and mixing the dough. You add starter, flour, and water. It’s really like a BIG starter. (This recipe uses a cup and a half of levain.) Then you cover it and let it set out on the counter overnight.
I used my go-to Ruth’s Soft Sourdough Sandwich Master Recipe. I can make two loaves of bread, a small pan of cinnamon rolls, and a pizza from one batch of dough. It’s nice to get so much in return for a few hours in the kitchen. It all came out great but I think I let the cinnamon rolls bake about five or ten minutes too long. They were just a little tough. You can see the glaze is a rich caramel color. I added some coffee to it and it really added a new dimension to the flavor palette.
There was a real feel of spring yesterday. It got up to 67° and was just lovely. Walking out in that just feels like velvet on your winter-parched skin. Mr. FixIt and I worked on the center console of his truck. The latch broke and we were trying to get the pieces out. So far, we haven’t found a place to buy the replacement latch…but we’ll keep looking.
Daughter #2 came home from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. She’ll need oxygen and home nebulizer treatments for three weeks but she says she’s breathing much better now. Her wife is still pretty sick but she doesn’t have asthma so fortunately she’s not as bad. I sent them some ginger ale and Gatorade Tuesday night so they’d have it the rest of the week. #2 doesn’t have to go back to work till Saturday, so hopefully she’s feeling up to it. They’ve been very accommodating at work.
It’s back to the taxes today. Argh…not my favorite time of year. I sure hope I find those external hard drives soon!
“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 KJV
***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful that my daughter was discharged from the hospital and is on the road to recovery. Prayers answered! Continue praying for their health and for all who are suffering illnesses that are spreading.
#Baking, #Sourdough, #Family, #Healing