Spending the night in “Grace the Camper.”
OMGosh! Y’all, it was so beautiful yesterday. I took a long walk around the property and picked up some limbs that had blown down. It was 69° and that sun went straight to my bones. It always feels like getting out of prison when the first warm day in March wraps us up in her gentle arms.
Who can tell me what this is?
I looked at the weather forecast and the low for last night was predicted to be 56° so it was time to get some things out in the camper and spend the night. Mr. FixIt had an appointment in town yesterday, so I stayed home and cleaned house. I sent a loaf of sourdough to Mrs. FixIt 1.0 and she loved it. Then I got the camper ready and could hardly wait till bedtime!
Pepperoni Bread….YUMMMM!
I cut into the Pepperoni Bread yesterday afternoon for lunch and I’m telling you…it was SO good! I used a quarter of the 4x batch of Kate’s Sourdough Sandwich Bread, rolled it out, spread some spaghetti sauce on it and covered it with slices of pepperoni. Then I rolled it up tight, put it in a bread pan, and let it rise for an hour or two. I baked it along with the other loaves of bread for 20 minutes, turned the pans so they’d bake evenly, then baked another 15-20 minutes till it reached an internal temperature of 190-200°. (I shoot for 195° for a softer loaf.) I wanted till it completed cooled so I wouldn’t tear the spiral apart. And I warmed it up about 20-25 seconds in the microwave to warm it before eating. Fabulous!
A Flock of Robins…Spring is Coming!!!
When I was coming back to the house, there was a whole flock of robins on the front yard! Another sign that spring isn’t far off. Mr. FixIt has to go to town again today so I’m going to get some more spring cleaning done. It is supposed to rain today and get really windy. I hope you all are staying safe out there with the rough weather that spring brings. What’s the old adage? If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb. I’m counting on that!
““Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.” Joel 2:23 ESV
***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful for our little camper and for the five acres we have to camp on for free! I am grateful for the warm sunshine that chases the chill from our weary bones.