A Roller Coaster Ride

Wouldn’t it be nice if things would just stay on an even keel for a little bit? Last year was one thing after another like a punching bag and this year seems to be shaping up the same way. A dear friend was just diagnosed with cancer and fortunately we live close enough we can offer help as needed. An I know this is small potatoes but with the cutbacks and a possible shutdown looming, we may have to cut out a lot of the travel this year. But that’s ok…it could be God’s way of saying we have more important things to do here. 

I’m about ready to throw in the towel on this sourdough stuff. I tried to make another levain yesterday and it was watery again. I think I’ve figured out what is wrong. They didn’t have King Arthur flour at the store the other day so I bought White Lily. My sourdough smells different and it’s not at all pretty. When we go to town tomorrow, I’ll buy King Arthur and see if that makes a difference. I think White Lily is great for pastry and biscuits, but not yeasty things.

I went out the the camper last night and the sky was simply gorgeous. There was a Blood Moon around 2:30 this morning and I’ll let you know tomorrow if I had the wherewithal to watch it. I remember seeing a Blood Moon not too long after Mr. Virgo died. My next door neighbor was out of town and I was watching her house and her dog. She said I could use the hot tub whenever I wanted, so I went out and watched the eclipse while I soaked. It was incredible! It was really cold and that hot water felt great…but getting out and running to my house next door was rather chilling to say the least!

We’re heading into town today to have a late breakfast with my bonus daughter. Then Mr. FixIt has an appointment later in the afternoon. I’m almost finished with the taxes. I need a form that somehow got thrown away. It could take two weeks to get it mailed to me. I tried to go online and download it but the website is having technical difficulties. I maybe they’ll fix it soon. I talked to technical support and they said it could be two or three days. I like things that work. 🙄

It’s supposed to be really rainy here this weekend so maybe I can finally sit down and work on some projects!


“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***  
Today I am grateful to be able to help our friend in her time of need. I am grateful for her good doctors and pray for them to have steady hands and watchful eyes. Please pray for this cancer to be removed from her.

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