Picking up sticks in the field. This keeps me from having to hop off and on the tractor every ten feet so I don’t run over them.
I met some of my high school friends for lunch yesterday. We had such a great time…telling stories and laughing and having a big time. This group meets once a month at the same restaurant. There’s a big room in the back where we gather. Two walls of this room have large windows which make for a sunny, warm spot to dine. It’s nice this time of year, however it’s a little less comfortable in the summer.
It’s stick season!
I had a lovely spinach salad with grilled chicken and hot bacon dressing. Divine! But after eating, I experienced some gastric distress and had to excuse myself. We were nearly finished anyway. This restaurant puts all the orders for your table on one ticket so I didn’t have a slip in my hand. And I was thinking of my next stop and ready to get home. Well…I walked straight out of that restaurant without even thinking of paying! I hate when things like this happen, and they seem to happen more and more often as I age. Fortunately, one of the other gals picked up my check and I’ll mail her reimbursement today. These “senior moments” just aggravate me.
I found these double daffodils along the far creek bank near the culvert. I waded over and moved them to the near bank at the base of a tree to protect them.
I prayed since yesterday’s post about flying and asked God to calm my nerves and allow me to look at this as another Grand Adventure. It’s been quite a while since I’ve gone off on my own for a long trip on my own. I was just going to go for a couple of weeks, but Mr. FixIt talked me into staying longer so I can visit the kids and my brother at a more leisurely pace. I’ll be there for four weeks, the ticket was really affordable, I get a carry on and a personal item for free, and…I can fly out of Charleston instead of drive three or more hours to a bigger airport. By the time I had the ticket purchased, I felt much better about the whole thing.
The weather was so beautiful yesterday afternoon that Mr. FixIt and I went out stick pickin’. Our five acres are surrounded with lots of trees. During the winter we lose a lot of limbs and sticks from the wind. We have to go out stick pickin’ a few times before mowing season and I still need to stop often the first couple of times I mow to pick up more. They tend to slow down after the trees are fully leafed out. It was a lovely time to be out in the warm sunshine with my sweetheart.
The big bed of yellow iris is popping up!
Pumpkin Kitty follows us wherever we go when we’re out walking the fields. And without fail, we get to a particular place in the field and that cat does NOT want us to be there! She jerks her head over to the underbrush then she makes a beeline to us and herds us back to the house, hissing and having a fit till we get away from there. She must detect something we can’t and wants to keep us safe. We are HERS, after all!
Coltsfoot growing along the ditch.
I’m happy I don’t have anything scheduled for the rest of the week. I can get some spring cleaning done. Doesn’t it feel wonderful to throw the windows open and get some fresh air in the house? I love it!
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 NLT
***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful for the courage to step out of my comfort zone and do things that make me nervous. Because I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me.