I learned last night that one of my friends can curse like a sailor. I learned this after sharing a private message that one of Mr. Virgo’s cousins send to me. When I first saw his name pop up, I was thrilled. I hadn’t heard from him in quite a while. Imagine my utter shock when the message I received was callous and hurtful. He was on a rant because I had relayed stories here on FB about Mr. Virgo’s military record, and some other family stories, that he said was, if not a gross exaggeration, were outright lies and he was insulted. He asked me to please leave his family out of my blog posts and to unfriend him. I was stunned. First of all, I only repeated the stories Mr. Virgo told me. I did not exaggerate or lie. Second, I have a drawer full of medals from Vietnam and I know they were my husband’s. Could Mr. Virgo have embellished his stories? I must concede the possibility. But he was a good and honorable man and I choose to believe him.
What kind of cruel, heartless person lashes out at a grieving widow one week before the anniversary of her husband’s death? I was devastated and sobbed for hours last evening. Then I recalled the bible verse above. I prayed for my husband’s cousin and I forgave him for hurting me and told him so. I feel so sorry for someone like that. Then I unfriended him. We didn’t know each other anyway so it isn’t a great loss in my life. Just an excellent opportunity to walk in the Word and pray for someone with pain.