My story is packed away in boxes stacked neatly in a 10×10 square. I chose my treasures wisely, selecting those with the grandest of stories. My great-grandfather’s bowler hat and walking stick. I remember when I was very young, my grandpa would play a tune on the fiddle and Grandpa Richardson would dance a soft-shoe across the back porch. I have my grandma’s churn and treadle sewing machine. My grandmother’s radio.
It’s not just the older generation coming along with me on my next journey. My grade school lunch box, my bride doll, even my little rubber lamb from my toddler days made the cut. My children’s handprints.
I’m a storyteller. When you enter my house, your eye will move from place to place, resting here and there on an object of interest. If I notice you enjoying my collections, I’ll likely take you by the arm and tell you the stories behind each one. I’ve bored many guests to tears that way ! 🙂
It became easier to purge much of my stuff when I asked myself some questions. 1) Do I LOVE it? 2) Does it have a great story? 3) Will it make my life more joyful? And 4) Is there any chance my kids will want it? If the answer to all four questions was yes….and I mean an enthusiastic YES…it went to storage. After it’s been there awhile, if I open the box and it feels like Christmas morning when I was six, then I’ve got a keeper. If not, then I will re-evaluate. I have the time. I have the patience. I have the resources. I am so very grateful. <3