Mr. Virgo made a huge deal over my birthday because he knew how much I loved it. Birthdays are meant to be fun and celebrated with abandon because you’ve made it through another year. I was so sad on my birthday last year because Mr. Virgo wasn’t here to celebrate it with me. It came and went with little fanfare. I think I got a card. The girls at work got me a cake. My kids called. I cried all evening.
Well, not this year! I have much to celebrate. It’s Friday the 13th! It’s a full moon! I’m listing my house today! I’m going out for lunch with friends today! I’m going out with friends tonight! I went out with a friend for lunch on Tuesday! I went out with the girls from work yesterday! I’ve got the next week off with TOW-Wanda! I get to visit with my friend from California! I’m healthy! I’m happy! I’ve got my groove back! Oh, I can just FEEL Mr. Virgo smiling down on me and saying, “That’s my girl!”
Happy Birthday to ME!!!