I swear…ever since I made the decision to sell the house I’ve been eating everything that I normally stay away from. My new rule seems to be “If it’s not nailed down, it’s fair game!”
Stress eating has always been my nemesis. Sweet, salty, and fried things sing a Siren’s song, tempting me and leading me down a familiar path. Comfort foods. Food you don’t need that feeds a monster inside…uncertainty, fear, insecurity. The trouble is, once that monster is awakened, it is NOT easy to cage him again.
I am (almost) past the point of hating my body. Madison Avenue gives us airbrushed images that are simply unattainable. Sometimes the attempt to create an image of the perfect woman results in noticeably poor, often laughable, airbrush technique. I try to find these editing mistakes which divert my attention from my cellulite and big, comfy tummy. I am (almost) to the point of not caring that these bat wings on my arms are nearing the capability of flight
Seriously, I have (almost) licked the negative self-talk. I know this phase is temporary. Things always turn around when the stress monster is forced back in his cage. I know this too shall pass.