I have outgrown my baby. TOW-Wanda was perfect this last year and a half. She was my haven, my place to run and hide. Lightweight, fun, sporty…but pretty darned tiny. I’ve been essentially living in her since the middle of June and that bathroom is REALLY tiny and the only place to sit is on the bed.
I’ve been whittling down my belongings. I mean, really…I’ve been ruthless. But there are still things that must come with me. And try as I might, my stuff is still occupying half a garage. I’ve sold just about all my furniture. What hasn’t sold is going to a consignment shop. So that leaves me with a couple boxes of books, a few boxes of kitchen stuff, clothes, electronics, and misc. it’s the misc. that’s killing me! Anyway, I got down under TOW-Wanda yesterday and looked at that spindly little axle and tiny little trailer tires and shuddered at the thought of what would happen if the axle or leaf spring breaks or a tire blows with all that extra weight in there. That could be the end of me and definitely the end of my little home on wheels. Safety comes first. That means…leave a ton more stuff or get a bigger trailer with a double axle or pay to ship my stuff. The cost to ship is crazy. But for a bit more, I could have a home that is much more comfortable and carry my stuff with me.
I have become so accustomed to living as close to the outdoors as I can get so, even at the farm, I will be much more comfortable with my own space. And when my kids and grandkids come to visit next summer, we’ll have a place big enough that we can camp together. I’m really excited and this solves a lot of problems …win-win.
My friend, Patti, says I can’t call this trailer TOW-Wanda so we need to come up with a great NEW NAME! I’ve been calling her a “Porta-Party” because she’s a big gray box, but that’s WHAT she is…not WHO she is.
I close on the house next Wednesday. I’ll take name suggestions through the weekend then make a decision, and announce the winner Wednesday morning. I will buy the winner a dozen of Patti’s AWESOME COWBOY COOKIES from Buffalo Baking Co.!!! 50% of her sales go to Suicide Prevention this month so it’s just a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN…all the way around!!!
Get your thinking caps on, think about who I am and what I do, and let’s name this gal!