May you Rejoice and have a Blessed Easter. What was once nothing more than a Hallmark holiday for me has become a day of Rejoicing in the Risen Christ. Mr. FixIt and I went to church last night. They offered two services yesterday and two today. We felt Saturday would be less crowded. Wow…were we wrong! There wasn’t a seat in the place at the 5:00 service. The Worship Team outdid themselves and Pastor Justin gave an amazing message about just exactly WHO Jesus really is. It was wonderful!
If you are a practicing Jew, this is the Passover season. I hope you enjoyed your Seders with friends and family and that your brisket was tender! I was a practicing Jew for 27 years. I organized the Seders for our small town. In 1986, we had 10 people. By the time I quit organizing them ten years later, 75 people attended. I had to finally give it over to a committee because it became too much. People brought side dishes and helped, but they always wanted me to make my famous Matzo Ball Soup and the Charoset and the Brisket and the Kugel. One year I even made homemade Gefilte Fish. It was a ton of work but there is nothing quite so fulfilling as feeding crowds their favorite holiday dishes.
I met my writing deadlines last week. Now it’s time to get those taxes done so it’s back to the farm tonight where I can spread out my papers without distraction. I’ve made continued progress on copying content over to the website. I wish I would have listened to my gut instincts four years ago and built the website then so I wouldn’t have this backlog. But, hindsight is 20/20. It will be great when everything is on the web page because you’ll be able to look back at the early posts more easily. When new widows come on board, they may not find posts they can relate to in my current writing. So I want them to have easy access to relatable topics.
It’s April…can you believe that??? My Pop-Pop was born 119 years ago. He died when he was 72. I had just graduated from high school and it was my first experience with death. My Grandma was so strong. She lost a son 15 years before in a plane crash. I miss them so much. Their farm offers me solace and it’s such a peaceful place to write.
Enjoy this beautiful spring day! ❤️
“They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.”
Luke 24:2-3 NIV
Happy Easter, Ginny! We are so blessed.
Happy Easter Ginny. May God Bless you today and every day. Have a Joyous day.
Happy Easter!
Ginny: Happy Easter!!
A thought just occurred to me and you might have already mentioned it so apologies ahead of time if so.
You have mentioned several times the intensive work it is transferring your posts to the website. I’m wondering if there’s not something presently or coming up to where or what God wants you to be or read? Have you stopped and asked Him where He’s leading you? The Bible says He loves a cheerful giver; what’s your spirit when you transferring? Because you are giving to that new widow. Is there a post you might’ve forgotten that will reach deep in you and bring you even closer to Him? I don’t know. I just know that He uses ALL things for His good.
God blesses us to be a blessing..and you have truly have blessed others.
Dearest friend…I absolutely love it when God sends a gentle correction through a sister. I was immediately reminded of this scripture.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV
You were not correcting nor rebuking, you were offering me a teaching moment. It struck like thunder and has offered a topic for tomorrow’s post. Thank you so much for giving me a new perspective. And, happy Easter to you as well! ❤️