Summer Freshness

Summer-fresh supper
“A summer-fresh supper…Silver Queen sweet corn, fried green tomatoes, and Amish potato salad.”

“Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.”  Jeremiah 29:5 NIV

Yesterday we went to the farm to mow and do laundry. Mr. FixIt outside, me inside. We have one of those fancy schmancy washer dryers at the Ponderosa. You know, with the water savings and a gazillion buttons…setting for things I don’t even understand. And, there’s no agitator. Just this little flat, bumpy circle on the bottom. The first time I did laundry here, everything black had white soap residue all over it. It didn’t matter how many times I rinsed, I couldn’t get rid of it. Then, it takes forever to dry a load of clothes. When one load takes a total of three hours, I don’t understand the savings.

Mr. FixIt has tried to show me how this thing works, but I just don’t get it. And, since I have to go out to the farm a few times a week anyway, I just take the laundry out there. There’s a regular old Kenmore washer and dryer out there. The water and the gas are free and I can get four loads done in the same time it takes to do one at home, and no white residue on the black clothing. Win-Win.

Mr. FixIt had finished mowing and was sitting on the porch cooling off while I filled the bird feeders. We walked back in the house. I had just put the last load of laundry in when the power went off, immediately followed by a clap of thunder. It thundered like nobody’s business for an hour and a half. It never rained much but the electric didn’t come back on, so we headed home.

I’ve been promising Mr. FixIt fried green tomatoes all week. As soon as we got home, he went out to the garden and picked some tomatoes, including some green ones. He shucked the corn while I sliced and batter dipped the tomatoes and slipped them into the electric skillet with hot oil. Dinner was wonderful…one of those quintessential summer meals. Fried green tomatoes, Silver Queen corn on the cob, and Amish potato salad. Another beautiful day in paradise…West Virginia! ❤️



10 thoughts on “Summer Freshness

  1. If you want a really good washer and dryer try Speed queen and Hotpoint. the new fangeled ones are totally worthless. I asked for a refund after ine it broke down in one year. The Home Depot would not do that so I went to the attorney general and got a refund and purchased and inexpensive traditional Hotpoint washer.It was only $400 but it works great. My dryer is Speed Queen and it is top drawer.

  2. I love my new fangeled washing machine. No white residue either. One thing about the new fangeled ones, is you have to run a special cleaner thru on that special cycle. I love my Maytag washer, it does such large loads; which is less time doing laundry. Great dinner.

  3. I do not like the new washers. I also find powder on clothes & sometimes there are dry spot where the water does not get your clothes wet or clean. Newer is not better.

  4. Never so glad to get rid of that same washer –same problems you experienced. Using my daughter’s old Kenmore and loving it!

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