Does Time Heal All Wounds?

“Does time heal all my wounds? Not in my time…but in God’s time.”

I’ve been struggling a little with re-entry. The rhythm of the road is different than that at home and I always have a bit of a hard time adjusting. It’s a little like the let down after the holidays…you know, when you have to get back to reality. Not that it’s a bad thing. It’s just always a little sad when the party is over. 

Yesterday morning I woke up at what seemed like a reasonable time with the time change. As I stretched and thanked God for letting me open my eyes to face another day, I went through my morning inventory. I noticed I felt a little down so I searched around in my mind as to what might be going on beyond the normal re-entry slump.

Then it came back to me. I was having a dream when I awoke. In my dream, I was sitting at a desk, going through my calendar, and realized it had been over six-and-a-half years since I had spoken with Mr. Virgo. In the dream, he hadn’t died…I had just seemed to have lost contact with him. I was really confused, like…did I go someplace and forget him? Did I tell him I’d call him when I got there and then just…didn’t? If that was the case, then why hadn’t he tried to contact me? What on earth was keeping him so tied up that he couldn’t find the time to text or call me? Then, of course, I woke up. And reality is reality. He is gone. I am here and happily married to Mr. FixIt. So, why did I have such a dream?

There aren’t answers to that, really. I believe it was Freud who said, “a cigar is sometimes just a cigar”. There’s no reason to psychoanalyze every little thing. We have dreams. Things happen. Life moves with its own rhythm. Still, dreams like that can stir something deeper and create a ripple in the force.

The day went on and was lovely. Church, breakfast, errands, a nice Sunday afternoon snooze. Then, I went into the bedroom for something and had that old familiar urge to call my mom. I always called her on Sunday evenings. I miss those calls and it made my heart ache a little. Then I thought of my kids and how busy they are and they don’t call me on Sunday evenings and…

That particular snowball had to stop right there. It doesn’t do any good to go down that road and make myself miserable over things I have no control over. There are wounds that heal with time. They become so small they don’t even leave a scar. There are wounds that heal and leave visible scars. Then there are those that not only have the scars, but also have varying degrees of pain. Like the phantom pain of a leg long gone or a throbbing knee when it rains.

Grief and time. I see them like those models of DNA. A twisted ladder, connected and spiraling. Never really finished. Never quite tangible. Always affected by our emotional temperature. No…time doesn’t heal all wounds. But, God does. When I remember to stop trying to handle hot coals with my bare hands and give them to my Father to carry, my wounds are bound up. It’s just the remembering to turn them over that trips me up every time.


“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalms 147:3 NIV

10 thoughts on “Does Time Heal All Wounds?

  1. Timely. Thank you. I woke this morning after dreaming of my son who recently died. Whenever I dream of him I wake up rehashing all the whys and what-ifs and if-onlys. I know better. There are no satisfactory answers. God knows. He’s sees the whole picture. Grief + Time = Grief. It just does. There is no changing that. But turning the pain over to God again and again to handle, that is the key. I am reminded of the old hymn.

    Tempted and tried I need a great savior
    One who can help my burdens to bear
    I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus
    He all my cares and sorrows will share

    I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus
    I cannot bear these burdens alone
    I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus
    Jesus can help me, Jesus alone

  2. I just can’t envision the day where I don’t hurt. Where I don’t carry the burden of heartache and chronic disease. Two and a half weeks ago I was hospitalized with a very high blood sugar and very low blood pressure. I’m not sure why I’m even still here, when my prayers since a bad break up with the love of my life have been to go Home. I’m tired of everything on earth. Yet, I still wake up. Alone. Hurting. Dealing with chronic illness. Nothing changes. Nothing gets better. Prayers don’t seem to work when they fall on deaf ears.

    1. I am so sorry you are hurting, dear one. Prayers are never wasted or unheard, even when it seems God is nowhere to be found. To deal with chronic illness AND a bad breakup is a lot to bear alone. Do you have someone you can talk to? A therapist or a clergy member…a relative or trusted friend? I wish I had the right words to say to make you feel better but telling you there are brighter days ahead only sounds like pithy platitudes. I don’t know why God seems to go quiet sometimes and it’s hard to find him. Maybe it’s only to test us to see if we will be faithful, even when there seems to be no earthly reason to do so. I sent up prayers for you and pray you find hope and peace in your life. ❤️

  3. That’s a good word. I tend to get tangled up in the minutiae of my issues, and it’s easy to go chasing the rabbits of what if. But God can untangle those threads and sort me out if I will just let Him.

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