When Addiction is a GOOD Thing

“My new background on my lock screen. Please feel free to save it and use it on your own phones.”

Whooooo…church was on fire yesterday! Pastor Justin talked about addiction. We are addicted to SO many things. We’re addicted to needing people to like us. Just look at how people cling to the number of “likes” on that selfie they posted to social media. We’re addicted to TV, gambling, smoking, eating, NOT eating, exercise, shopping, pornography, alcohol, drugs…heck, we’re addicted to OURSELVES. We’re just that important.

In 1 Corinthians 16:15, the King James Version states members of the house of Stephanas have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints. It is the one and only time the word “addicted” appears in the Bible. The Latin origin of the word addiction means a “giving over, surrender”. It has only been in modern times that addiction has come to be known in a totally negative light in relation to evils best avoided.

What does it mean to be “addicted to the ministry of the saints”? What does that look like? It’s the difference between just DOING something…and being ON FIRE for it. You can go to church…most Sundays. You can read the Bible…when you’re not too busy. You can refrain from gossiping….except when it’s just too good to pass up. Or, you can be so addicted you crave more of God. Being addicted to the ministry means you go to bed thinking about how you can better serve, you wake up thinking about reading your daily devotions, you offer up prayers during the day in a running conversation with God.

I’ve noticed I’ve fallen into a bad habit. I was reading the “Bible-in-a-Year” plan in the Bible app on my phone. About two months ago, things got busy with the holidays and fixing up the bathroom and getting home from the big camping trip and I stopped reading it. Then, I stopped reading any bible verses in the mornings. I still read at night, but not in the morning. And I have noticed negative repercussions from it. I’m shorter tempered. I’m not quite as full of grace. I’ve felt it…but I needed to get that “God-sized” kick in the rear.

A reader commented last week about going to the Throne before the phone. That really resonated with me. Then yesterday, Pastor talked about the addictions we face that don’t serve God. I have a friend who is an artist so I went on his page and found a photo of a cross on a church in the sunset and saved it on my phone. Then I used my editing app…Over Pro…and created a background for the lock screen on my phone. Now, when I reach for my phone every morning as I always do…I’ll see this message. Thank you, KB! And thank you God…for the gentle reminder!

If you care to, you can watch Pastor Justin’s message here.


“I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)”

1 Corinthians 16:15 KJV

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