With any birth comes pain. As the birth becomes imminent, the pain is more pronounced. The contractions come closer and closer till you can hardly get a breath in between them. We are reaching a tipping point and something has to change. Something has to be born into the world. In the real life scenario that is playing out in front of us, we have to remember…we DO have some choices we can make. We still may not get the outcome we hope for, but we can try. We can educate ourselves. We can exercise our right to vote. We can do more listening and less yelling. We can stand up in support of those who are marginalized by society.
It isn’t always easy. Last night, Mr. FixIt asked the same question he asks every night. “Do you want to watch the news?” I said no. Then I said I’d better…I need to know. But I got halfway through and my stomach was churning. I turned to my beloved and said, “I cannot take any more of this right now. I have to take a break from it all.
They say the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. This is one big elephant. Stroke #1. Covid isolation. Stroke #2. Then the world imploded. It’s overwhelming. Yes, I made a strong statement yesterday about becoming “anti-racist” and educating myself. I’m doing that. AND, I’m practicing a little self-care along the way.
I delivered a jar of sourdough starter to my friend Stacie yesterday. She is the one who gave us the jar of Redbud Jelly. Now she can make Sourdough English Muffins, too! When we got home, we were lazy all afternoon. We ate a big salad for supper with tofu on top for protein. Then we jumped in the pool and swept it really well to get the sediment and algae mixed up and filtered out.
We had a huge thunderstorm roll through at about 8:00 with intermittent rain predicted overnight. We went out just before dark as the lightning was getting ever closer and hauled the generator up to the house in case we lose electric overnight. I moved us back into the house from the camper. It was just too hot to sleep out there without the air conditioner and that won’t happen till we get the power pole installed. Lots of things taking the back burner right now, but they’ll get done.
One bite at a time.
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.””
Matthew 19:26 NIV
Ginny–your photo of the “far field” is intriguing. Have you ever planted a wildflower meadow there with localized native grasses and native local wildflowers? It might be striking and the critters would love it. And less time on the mower…
Trying to stay centered myself, I’ve let my yard go native and it’s incredible how many more birds (which used to just come fro the bird bath) are now nesting in my yard! They do keep me grounded.
Take care, you two!
I have thought about that…and we may still go that direction. Mr. FixIt loves the look when it’s mowed. And, if we are going to sell the place, the land looks bigger open. But you’re right…I’ll do more research for habitat planting. ❤️
check out the FB group ‘Pollinator Friendly Yards’. It’s hosted by a teacher, Leslie, in GA. She is a big fan of Dr. Doug Tallamy and his books on re-naturing our yards, large and small. Lots of enthusiastic posters with many photos of success stories.