This has been my life song for the last couple of years. I have let go of so much since Mr. Virgo died…him being the biggest, baddest let go ever. My big house has been exchanged for a home on wheels. My material possessions are getting fewer and fewer even as we speak. My expectations have totally been changed. Even my faith has changed in that it has become stronger. I do a pretty fair job flying my own kite, yet I have a very real tendency to want to hold onto the tail…to maintain some semblance of control.
I have always been a control freak. I like to drive my own car to events so I can leave when I want. I hate to make commitments because I may change my mind or not be in the mood when the event comes. I like to have the last word in arguments. Yeah…not real pretty characteristics, those. So, I hang onto the tail of that kite so I can direct it’s flight and send it where I want it to go. Then I wonder why things don’t work out the way I planned.
I want my kite to fly high. I want it to soar on the winds of change with ease and grace. Have you ever tried to fly a kite without a tail? It won’t work. It spins crazily out of control and crashes to the ground with the littlest breeze. Mr. Virgo was the tail on my kite. He kept me from flying in circles and crashing. I’ve had to find a replacement. There is no better choice for me than letting God be the tail of my kite…then letting go so He can steer my life where it’s meant to go. It’s really ever so much better. Perhaps not easy, but better.
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
Hebrews 11:8