
I’m counting down the days to lift off. My list is long. I have one, maybe two trips left out to the farm. Yet, I’m still finding time to play. I’m fitting in some kayaking this morning. Visiting with a friend in the afternoon. Cookout in the evening. SO much to do in the next few days and I’m feeling confident and capable.

There was a time in my life when I wasn’t capable of doing much of anything. If you had to come up with something good to say about my abilities back then, you might have said something like, “Well, she breathed in and out all day without too much trouble.” In the depth of my depression sixteen years ago, I wasn’t capable of accomplishing much on a daily basis. Couple that with myriad medications and I was just going through the motions. I call those the Prozac years. I don’t remember much of my forties.

By the time I met Mr. Virgo, I had been off all meds for five years and was a totally different person. Yet still I didn’t feel terribly self confident about my place in the world. I deferred a lot of my abilities to my husband. He was so adept at everything. I didn’t have to worry my pretty little head about much of anything. Then he up and died on me and left me to figure this all out on my own.

Something instinctively told me I had to travel solo to find myself. There was no one else to rely on. No one to hold me in the dark of night. Not in the physical plane, anyway. I always have God with me. And He gives me the strength to face the days…and nights…on my own. He gives me discernment. I have discovered that, with God…I truly CAN do anything. I am capable. I am strong. I am brave even when I sometimes don’t feel I am.

There is no way you can travel alone and not discover how capable you truly are. It is the deepest gift you can give yourself.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:10-11

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