Remember back when we were kids? School let out in May and it seemed like for-EV-er before it was September and time to go back. Then we grew up and became adults and got jobs and got married (or not) and had kids (or not). Then, summers dragged for an entirely different reason. By late August, we were like… “When does school start??? I’m done already!”
Then…life’s “Third Shift” kicked in. The kids are the ones married (or not) and with kids (or not) and we are left to our own devices. My mom’s generation played Bridge or MahJong if they were fortunate enough to not have to work outside of the home. Our generation plays pickle ball or what have you.
Whatever the case…it’s September. Seriously…March felt like at least a decade ago. I don’t even remember March. Did 2020 even HAVE a March? Or May? How about June and July? I mean…I could accept that it’s July…but September??? Crikey!
I think the total disruption of our routines and all the ensuing chaos has shifted our consciousness somehow and actually created a time warp. I mean…I could just as easily be 1963, if you ask me.
But, I digress. A Facebook friend asked yesterday if we could say something positive about 2020 so far. I had to think about it…but I came up with several things.
- I mastered the art of sourdough bread.
- I learned to change my expectations of others and focus on the goodness in the world.
- I’ve learned that Black Lives Matter and saying that doesn’t diminish the importance of all lives.
- I’ve learned that people can disappoint you when you’ve thought you’ve known them to the core…but you can still pray for them and love them like Jesus does.
- I’ve learned video chats may be a poor substitute for visiting my Colorado family, but it’s still a joy to see them.
- I’ve learned no human being should be forced to be with another human being 24/7/365 without some sort of recharge time. And, it’s ok to acknowledge that to said other human
- I’ve learned how to lay this burden down while still fighting for change.
- I’ve learned to make everything I do a silent prayer.
You may say 2020 sucks big ones, and I suppose it has in many ways. But, 2020 has been a gift in just as many ways. Above all, it has forced me into a closer relationship with Jesus. I’ve gotten to know Him a lot better and recognize His voice in the cacophony of this world. It’s brought me a lot closer to Mr. FixIt, as well. We’ve had to learn a new dance around strokes and staying at home and not doing whatever we want, whenever we want. And, believe it or not, it has brought me closer to our kids because we have more real conversations.
2020 may have brought me to my knees…but that’s not a bad position to be in for prayer.
I literally did nothing but bake a pan of lasagna and take a nap yesterday. It felt SO self-indulgent…and wonderful!!! Then, around the time the news went off, Daughter #1 called me for a video chat. Ohhhhh, my heart sings when I get to see my Colorado peeps. When we prepared to hang up, I smiled and thanked her so much for letting me see her sweet face.
“I cannot hug you in person,” I said. “But, I can hug you with my heart!”
“…The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.”
Genesis 31:49 KJV