I could live in a place with endless summer. Where things grow…green…all year round. And if I wanted a change, I could travel there. If I wanted snow, I could go to Texas in, like…March or something. No, seriously….I love the endless possibilities of summer. I love wearing as few clothes as I can get away with. I love going barefoot. I love eating outdoors. I love warm rain. I love all the wonderful activities of summer…camping, fishing, hiking, biking, kayaking, picnics, outdoor music festivals. I love the wild flowers of summer. And the food fresh from the garden. I love the gatherings of friends around a campfire. The sound of kids outside playing. The sound of rain on a tin roof. Lazy days…lazy ways. Staying up late. Watching the moon and stars. Cooking over a fire. A nap in the shade of a big tree. I love everything about summer. It cannot last long enough for me. Yes, right now….this moment. This is my favorite time of the year. I want to bottle it up and keep it on my shelf.
““As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
Genesis 8:22