A Lover of Books

There’s nothing like a stack of books waiting to be read…even if you never get to them. They’re art!

When I went through the massive purge and downsized before I sold the Colorado house, the most difficult thing to part with were my books. I love books. I love the feel of paper between my fingers…the sound real paper makes when you turn the pages…the smell of a library or used book store. It’s one of the coziest things in the world.

Books are our friends when we are lonely. They never leave us or act snotty. They don’t care what we look like. They never judge. It took me weeks to sort through all my books. I purged, then purged again…and finally whittled my collection down to a barest minimum. It wasn’t like I owned collectible first editions or anything of any real value. But, still…they were MINE.

You can get just about any book in electronic form so it’s not like you’re going to miss out on anything if you don’t have a massive library at home. And, there is nothing like having a little stack of books by your bed waiting to be read. I have so many books on my Kindle, but I find I rarely read them. I like the real deal.

One of the books in my stash that I never got around to reading was “The Girls with the Grandmother Faces.” I just loved the title of that. It is what it says it is…a book about the musings on life over 55. The author, Frances Weaver, went back to college at the age of 59 and became a writer. My “college” was pulling a camper, but I truly became a writer at 59. So, this book’s premise speaks to me.

I never got around to reading it, and it’s been so long now I can’t remember if it made the cut or if I’m just remembering the cover. I ordered another copy yesterday. Because, I am one of those girls with the grandmother face now. Lots of wrinkles and spots and…hopefully…wisdom. I want to explore that.

I had a wonderful day yesterday sitting in the camper for eight hours at the mall, talking to the myriad people who came by to have a look. I met some of the nicest folks and talked to some fun gals about Girl Camping. I hope to meet them at one of our events this year. When I got up yesterday, camping season seemed SO far away as snowflakes literally the size of a tennis ball came drifting down and dusting the ground. It was beautiful but…meh. I’m over it already. Bring on the camping season!

It was also Mr. FixIt’s birthday yesterday. We are celebrating today by hosting a Super Bowl party this evening. Hip, hip, hooray!

(By the way…today is a palindrome. 02-02-2020! ?)


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12 NIV

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