A Moment in Time

Mesa verde time meme
“A Moment in Time”

I woke up to six inches of wet snow yesterday morning. The only good thing about that (besides the much needed moisture) is that snow doesn’t hang around long this time of year. When I looked out, I noticed my friend Sue was still at home. About then she texted me to see if I was up yet. I went in for coffee and we sat in front of the wall of windows watching a gazillion birds at the many feeders they have.

Sue was supposed to go to work today but the weather kept her in. Once things cleared a little, we decided to head up to Mesa Verde to see the ruins. They had about a foot of snow up there and it was beautiful!

While wandering around it became apparent that I am not in shape. I was huffing and puffing and had to sit down whenever I found a bench. Granted, we were up pretty high, but that doesn’t excuse me for letting myself get like this. I spent the winter writing (and eating) and now that it’s Spring, I’m going to get out and walk. Who’s up for a challenge? Anyone want to form a walking club? We can walk “together” for encouragement. šŸ™‚

This moment in time is all we have. Let’s make the most of it, ok?

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