A Time to Sow

Mr. FixIt did a great job getting my flower bed ready. I did a little earthmoving to get the drainage I was looking for, but other than that, it was perfect. He brought around a wheelbarrow load of rocks from the old flower garden on the other side of the house. And, while I got to work planting the black iris bulbs, he started cutting down trees at the end of the pole building.

The first spring I lived here, I suggested we cut them down, but we had so much going on, it got put on the back burner. Now we wish we would have gotten to them when they were saplings. They’re far past that now and it’ll take a lot more effort to get them out of there. We’ll get it done, though. Of that, I’m sure.

I got the bulbs in and watered and the rocks placed. I had extra that I placed along the back wall of the house. We had to take breaks fairly often as it was so hot. Once we got everything done, it started clouding up and I knew rain was coming. I started supper while Mr. FixIt put his tools away. We had lamb chops last night and they were SO good! Air fried potatoes and fresh asparagus rounded out the meal. We each had a piece of the apple pie I baked Tuesday. We’ll have the last slice today and that ends the sweet treats for a while.

Now, back to the taxes. I am still trying to figure out how to transfer my previous returns onto the new laptop and frankly, I was pretty tired at the end of the day so I put it away. I’ll get it back out today and start again fresh. As I expected, the rains came in around 4:00. We were supposed to get heavier rain last night. Then it will get chilly again of a night. I’ve been enjoying “field camping” the last few nights but it’ll be time to come back inside now. I need to get things ready for our knitting retreat, and I have a hair appointment on Saturday. I’m really not liking my hair pulled straight back and my bangs are too long to do anything else with them. I’ve never been very creative with hair styling. I’ll be fresh and ready to go come Monday. 


”“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”“

Genesis 8:22 NIV

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