A Trip for Tomatoes

“Shari Sims and her precious pooch greet customers at Sims Greenhouse in Palestine, WV”

Twenty-eight years ago, Shari Sims and her husband opened a little greenhouse in Palestine, WV. It’s a tiny little blink-and-you’ll-miss-it town on the quintessential two-lane blacktop way out in the country but you’d never know it from the looks of the enterprise they’ve got going now. I counted at least four greenhouses filled to the brim with the most gorgeous flowers and vegetables.

“I love the colors of succulents…so soft and soothing.”

We browsed through the many varieties of tomato plants and chose ten. Several of them were at least two feet tall and already have tomatoes set on. $14.00 for all of them! I couldn’t believe it. They also sell wholesale to businesses. We visited with several people as we looked around in the various greenhouses. Shari’s son is soon graduating and has taken an interest in the plant business and runs a separate greenhouse that raises lettuces. I’m really looking forward to that when he opens.

Sims Greenhouse, 7460 Palestine Road, Palestine, WV ( out Rt. 14 past Elizabeth)

“Rows and rows of the most beautiful hanging baskets and the heady aroma of petunias…enough to make you swoon!”

As we were on our way home, I asked Mr. FixIt to drop me off at the little quilt shop that opened this winter. I have decided to make my daughter and her fiancée a quilt for their wedding gift. I can sew it when I’m with the Girl Campers next week. It’s just going to be quick with 9.5” squares in shades of purple and green…their colors for the wedding.

Moss basket
“Moss baskets add a lovely texture”

I have to tell you…I felt so much better yesterday. We watched the evening news last night and they said I-70 from Pittsburg to St. Louis is going to be under severe weather warnings and that’s exactly where we would have been today if I hadn’t listened to that still, small voice guiding me to stay home.

I worked on the camper this afternoon and have it about two-thirds ready. The issues with the propane and the water heater won’t be fixed before I go, but it’s going to be fine. I have dry-camped many, many times. I have electric at my site and a microwave. I can heat up water that way and wash my hair and “bathe”.

It was really hot and humid here yesterday but we are expecting thunderstorms the next couple of days. It was 89 degrees here yesterday afternoon! May can still have some chilly days so I don’t think we’ve hit “summer” weather yet. But, my oh my….it is SO beautiful here this time of year!


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;”    Proverbs 3:5 NIV

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