Sometimes this new life I had thrust upon me sneaks up on me and bites me in the butt. I live my life. I am on my own. I have freedom to do what I want, pretty much. I have choices. This is all well and good till the execution of said choices involves half the manpower it used to. That’s when my aloneness rears up its ugly head and reminds me why that is. What used to be easier with two becomes a challenge for one. Facing a major downsize, yet another move, and all that it entails drove me to my inner sanctuary yesterday afternoon. I accomplished a lot in the garage then went to town to have the tires switched out. I came home and did a little self care…i.e., I took a nap. The stuff was still there afterward and I was better able to take another stab at it after a rest than I would have been had I pushed to work straight through.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.