Always be Humble and Kind

“I love when God sends me a not-so-gentle reminder to chill out!”

As I’m writing this, I’m propped up in bed, the windows flung wide, the peepers peeping their springtime love song. It is 10:30pm…I just finished a long and particularly grueling day sitting in front of my computer, doing my taxes. One frustration after another…but I doggedly pressed on with only a couple of short tempered outbursts. Finally…finally I got it all filled out and pressed “send” only to find out, yet again, my laptop won’t connect to the internet. I mean…it SAYS it’s connected, but I get a page that says “Cannot find page. Check your internet connection.” It works elsewhere, just not here. So, I said enough is enough for one day and I will pick it up tomorrow….today to you.

In preparation for a day that could be stress-filled, I spent an extra long time in scripture before I got out of bed. I read my devotionals. I listened to a little praise music. I put on the full armor of God. And still, after twelve hours in front of the screen, I found my stress level rising. Poor Mr. FixIt steered clear of me most of the day and when he did have to sit with me, he was very loving and supportive. Good man.

When I finally called it quits for the day, I was too tired to even go out to TOW-Wanda to write…something I really look forward to when the weather is warm. I came into the bedroom to write, fully prepared to let loose a diatribe about how darned frustrating it is to spend a whole day on the taxes only to find out you have to pay a BOATLOAD. I climbed into bed, set up my little lap desk, opened my iPad, and God smacked me right between the eyes.


There, staring back at me was a picture of a woman squatting down in front of an absolutely emaciated young child…so tiny and frail and nothing but skin and bones. She’s holding a water bottle up to the child’s lips….the little one with her head tipped back, gratefully taking a sip as she clings to a crust of bread in her tiny hand.

I am humbled…ashamed of my anger and frustration that I felt only seconds before.

Look what I have. A roof over my head, food on my table, clean water and air, a warm bed to sleep in, health, family…God. 

Yes, paying a big tax bill was not what I expected. But you know what? Just two weeks ago, God gave me a hefty settlement check for the accident I was in two years ago. I had a brain bleed, but can walk and talk. I lost four months of my memory, but my family didn’t have to lay me in the ground. And that check will cover my taxes and then some. 

There is always something to be grateful for. ALWAYS.

Thank you, God…for your provision. And for the stern reminder of how good I have it. You are a good, good Father.


“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”    Ephesians 4:2 NIV

8 thoughts on “Always be Humble and Kind

  1. God taps. When we let our frustrations over something override our thankfulness, God taps us on the shoulder to remind us of what is most important.

    I am in the middle of a family “rift” created by someone I love towards someone I love more than my own life. I got up and opened my devotional. Let’s just say God always knows what we need to hear or read.

    My heart still hurts but I know He is in the middle of this situation. I can’t handle it. Only He is able. Humbled.

  2. When that happen with your laptop have you tried resetting your router and modem? I find that helps with mine. Good luck and may God bless you always.

  3. When we are in need, no matter what, physical or emotional, God will provide. Thank you Lord, for providing for Ginny. He is a mighty God. Have a great day.

  4. I LOVE everything you write. I look forward to your posts, as I read them all. I miss you, my friend! Remind me again what happened to you in your accident? Tom and I miss Colorado…such wonderful memories and life long friendships created! Love from Nashville and Sunrise Circle Farm, Kelly

    1. Kelly and Tom!!! You have been on my mind so often of late! I was thinking about you and all that terrible flooding you endured last year. I am SO excited by your farmlife and we sure don’t live far from Tennessee!

      I was driving into town from our family farm two years ago February 23rd and came around a curve. Some guy pulled right out in front of me and there was no stopping. Bumps and bruises so I didn’t think anything of it till the ER doctor came in and told me I had a “small subdural hematoma”. ? Small? Anyway, I had quite a concussion and I totally lost memory for two months before the accident and two months after. It was pretty scary. After a year, I could retain new information but I still don’t have the memory I had before. But, I’m SO blessed! I married my best guy pal from high school last October and life is indeed divine! Love and miss you so much. I’m tickled to hear you read my blog! It makes me smile! ❤️

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